Schools in the news almost daily.
Okay. Hold on.
Before you let loose with your DefCon 1 siren alerting the tribe to yet another libtard, snowflake assault on your assault rights, holster that smoke wagon and listen before you lock and load for a change.
Schools are, of course, in the news almost daily because of the almost daily shootings in school.
But that's not the point of this piece. And by piece, of course, I'm not referring to any heat I may or may not be packin'.
The point of the piece is that schools should be in the news almost daily.
If, for no other reason, the incredible irony that is enveloping the hallowed halls like pea soup fog on an average London day. Or a soon to once again be average San Francisco, LA and/or New York day thanks to the EPA, for the most part, being pretty much tweeted into extinction.
And here's the irony.
America got schools. America got a lotta schools.
And America be gettin' dumber with each passing day.
And in what ways of dumbness to which I am referring?
Well, first of all, what little actual verbal language occurs anymore, for the most part replaced with tapped out texts, has a grammatical flavor that reminds one not so much of the great orators of our history but, actually, a whole lot like Yoda.
Communication, it was once, now, almost comically offered, is key.
If that's the case, we need pray for the imminent invention of a retina scan version of trying to understand each other.
Because the key, kids, is kaput.
But, I digress. Or, as, I'm willing to bet you, a whole lotta 'Muricans would be inclined to express it...I digest.
As opposed to a blanket indictment of education and/or, most especially, the lack of it in this once upon a time best educated nation on the planet, indulge me while I offer up some clarity on the confusion resulting in the incorrect interchange of two commonly known words.
Hustle...and traitor.
First, let's get a quick,cut and paste look at simple dictionary def's for the duo.
a fraud or swindle.
At first glance, one might feel a flush of curiosity as to how two words, seemingly so unlike one another in terms of definition, could ever come close to being confused with one another.
Well, there is that America be gettin' dumber with each passing day thing.
But, turns out, it ain't so much about dumb.
Innocence, a certain naivete', perhaps and, most assuredly, a generous glob of gullibility.
But, dumb? Not duh reason.
Here's the easiest, and most currently relatable, way to paint the picture for you so as to illustrate the issue.
Among the many descriptive, denigrating and/or dramatic adjectives that have been used, of late, to label Donald Trump, none is quite so dramatic and/or denigrating as the T word, the Big T, he's Trump and that ends in P and that rhymes with T and that stands for....traitor.
Russia. Putin. Election hacking. You know the plot. This mini series is over two years old.
Now Mr. Back In The U.S.S.A is calling to congratulate Vladimir on winning a joke of an election. (Something that, in fairness, we now have in common with our Kissin Cousin Comrades) despite the loud, obvious and, well, hell, just plain good old fashioned common sense warnings coming from pretty much everybody on the planet Earth, of an official or unofficial capacity, with a functioning brain in their head except Donald Trump and most of Fox News.
But I repeat myself.
The accusations, and the theories, about what Trump is up to, why, where, when and what it all means both here in America and back in the U.S., back in the U.S, back in the U.S.S.R are as plentiful as they are imaginative.
There is one theory, though, that hasn't gotten a lot of, if any, notice, has no particular snap, crackle or pop in terms of either global ramifications and, frankly, when it comes to theatrical value it just doesn't have the kind of sexy, part spy, part porn star pumpin', part pussy grabbin', part cyberbullyin', part neo-Nazi supportin', part red cap wearin' Nuremberg meets WWE match meets Hee Haw episode praise and worhip rally flavor that we've come to expect from this 46th Presidency of the United States of America.
Yes, MAGAotts, Trump is 45. One guy was elected two different times and it counts as two different presidencies. Put down your Kool Aid, mute the sound on Hannity and crack a history book for once in your redneck, white and blue life.
Back to the traitor.
Personally, not buying it.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not defending the guy. And the current and, ultimately, end results of what he's doing may very likely end up with him joining Benedict Arnold and the Rosenbergs in the annals of America's least likely to be revered.
But there's something Donald lacks that I feel confident is pretty much a pre-requisite when it comes to masterminding a treason of this proportion.
A master mind.
Donald Trump, meanwhile, may be one of the dumbest men to, not only, ever occupy the Oval Office, but, in fact, may be one of the dumbest men.
That's not a typo. There's nothing missing after the word "men" in that sentence.
Meanwhile, hustle?
Well, that's a swindle of a different shade.
There's no particular intelligence requirement, per se', necessary to play on people's fears, weaknesses, gullibilities, ignorances, hopes, dreams, wishes and/or hungers.
Don't need to be Stephen Hawking to know that if you can convince a room full of starving people that you've got a five course meal just waitin' for em down the street and around the corner, they'll follow you down that street, around that corner and right over the edge of the ravine before they realize that there ain't no meal and there ain't no soft landing down at the bottom of that ravine.
The "con" is as old as the garden.
The more evangelical in our midst will be very "talk to the hand"y about this, but there's no gettin' around the fact that the very first master con pulled off may very have involved the serpent and his little schpiel directed at a fresh young face name of Eve.
Truth be told, politics, by its nature, is a con, of sorts. To a degree. To a point. Out of necessity.
You can't get elected to shit in this country by being totally honest about everything.
Because if you need ten votes to win, you can't afford to piss any more than four people off.
And that means telling some lies.
Or, at least, conning those four people until after the votes are counted.
Which will bring us back to do-re-me thinks Trump is no traitor.
Or, more accurately, betraying his country is his primary motivation and/or goal.
It's really not that dramatic.
And it's really not the complicated.
Here's that one theory I alluded to earlier, that one, not mentioned, possible explanation for why Trump and Putin's song seems to be "my sweet embraceable you".
Trump never wanted to be President.
He never expected to win the election.
He's doing what he can to make hay, stock up and cash in while the making, stocking and cashing is good.
And he fully expects to walk out of the White House, be it in two years or six, and pick up where he left off, wheeling, dealing, scamming, conning and having big ass buildings constructed with his name in twenty foot high letters attached where absolutely no sight line is blocked.
Before he stiffs the contractors, screws over the associates and golf carts his way over to the drive thru window at the bankruptcy court.
Russia, like any other country, is a potential field in which Trump can plant his crops..
Think of Donald thinking of Russia as a five star restaurant of infinite culinary delights.
Old saying. You don't shit where you eat.
Donald isn't selling American secrets to the Russians. He's not even selling America to the Russians.
He's selling Trump to the Russians.
That's Russians spelled P U T I N.
Because, hey, this annoying, and unexpected, temporary gig at 1600 Pennsylvania is preventing him from being in full blown hustle mode.
But it's not preventing him much.
And it won't be preventing him forever.
So, those who, passionately, angrily, even understandably, start hollering the word "traitor" in any sentence that includes or involves the words Donald Trump need to be aware that their passions and angers are, again, understandable, but their use of the word "traitor" is, to an extent, incorrect.
And the word you're looking for is hustler.
There is, of course, the inevitable, knee jerk response to this theory, something along the lines of "it's simply not possible that anyone could be so stupid as to believe that he could get away with committing treason for no other reason than to insure that there will be a Trump International Hotel and Country Club Red Square Edition sometime around, say, 2021."
To that, I can only offer you this.
It is, in fact, absolutely possible.
Because Donald Trump shows every sign of being one of the dumbest men.
That's not a typo, either.