Former Trump Attorney General, former Trump defector and critic Bill Barr has just announced that he will be seeking an appointment to some high level job in the Trump Administration that will begin this coming January.
Oh...and he has also just announced that he is scared to death of Donald Trump and any/all who are a part of the MAGA cult.
What's that, thou who doth protest?

Of course he has.
Actions...and network television interview yammer..speak tons of decibels louder than conventional "announcements".
Read the italicized article just ahead.
(psst...and don't forget to read between the lines... you'll need to do that in order to intelligently follow along after you finish.....except, of course, for you, Marjorie Taylor get a pass on anything that comes within a thousand miles of being "intelligent")
Bill Barr, who served as attorney general in Donald Trump’s administration and has repeatedly disputed his former boss’s claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, on Wednesday said he will vote for “the Republican ticket” in November, adding that a second term in office for President Joe Biden would be “national suicide.”
In an interview with Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” Barr, who has previously also called into question Trump’s fitness to serve, still thinks Biden and his policies represent a greater threat to the U.S.
“Well, I’ve said all along, you know, given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country and in my mind that’s — I will vote the Republican ticket,” Barr said. “I will support the Republican ticket.”
Barr suggested Biden is pursuing a progressive agenda, which he described as “the real danger to the country, the real danger to democracy.”
“Trump may be playing Russian roulette but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion,” he added.
Barr, who stood by Trump for most of the time he served in the Department of Justice, resigned from the administration in December 2020 after he gave an interview to The Associated Press saying the DOJ had found no evidence to support Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud in that year’s presidential contest.
In an interview with The Atlantic in June 2021, Barr doubled down, saying Trump’s claim that the election was stolen from him was “all bullshit.” He also testified before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, describing Trump as “detached from reality” over his espousal of voting conspiracy theories.
In his own book published in 2022, Barr wrote the time he spent working alongside the president showed him “Trump cared only about one thing: himself.”
“Country and principle took second place,” he added.
Still, while Barr refused to endorse Trump in the 2024 Republican primary, he had not explicitly ruled out eventually supporting Trump’s candidacy if he secured the GOP nomination.
During the Fox News interview, Barr also criticized the hush money case against Trump in New York, where the former president has been charged with falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels in the lead-up to the 2016 election.
Barr said the case is an “abomination” and that the charges leveled against the former president were politically motivated.
“To me this shows that the real threat to liberty, the real threat to our system are the excesses of the progressive left,” Barr said. “They’re perverting the system of justice and that’s where the danger lies, the corruption and subversion of our institutions by the left.”
And there you go.
Still don't see what's right in front of your face here?
You disappoint me.
But surprise me?
Barr, after his spineless tenure in the cheap, tacky gold plated Corleorange Revolving Door as a Trump Attorney General Du Jour, finally (theoretically) came to his senses and went public with his utter disdain for his former employer (read: "massa") and hit the talk show circuit condemning the 'president' with zeal, zest and...dare we say...even a hint of enthusiasm.
At least the kind of enthusiasm that comes out of someone whose resting face resembles a puzzled Koala bear not entirely sure of its next move.
Now, he did have a book to sell at the time.
But surely that was a coincidence.
Back to the matter at hand.
How do I know that Barr will be looking for a job?
And that he is a quivering mass of chicken shit when it comes to the ultimate four letter word.
What other possible, rational, even remotely sensical reason could there be for letting it be known that he intends to support and vote for the very same someone he, himself, the whole self and nothing but the self described....
" “detached from reality"...
"...cared only about one thing: himself.”
“Country and principle took second place,” he added."
There are, in fact, two and only two possible, rational, even remotely sensical reasons for so stunningly obscene a pledge of support.
One...he's depending on his 'support' (read: newly rebooted rectum kissing loyalty) being interpreted by 'massa' as his seeing the error of his ways and letting it be known he is ready, willing, able and nervously trembling in the hopes of serving (and this old slogan is now more infuriating than patriotic) "at the pleasure of the President".
Two...and this is the more practical, ergo likely accurate of the two possibilities...he's petrified that the name of Bill Barr will show up, come January 20th on the Cheetos smudged list of those upon whom "revenge" will be exacted.
As has already been 'promised' by the most successful pathologically lying sack of shit to ever con (rhymes with 'Don') his way into squatter's rights in the Oval Office.
It's right about now that the once thought ridiculous "Trump/Hitler" conflation comes to mind.
A comparison that, in fact, deserves its own, fresh catchy label/ID.
How about "Schrodinger's MAGA Nazi"?
Because the comparison is both potentially applicable...and not so the same time.
Not so much in that, regardless of his horrific, maniacal 'Final Solution' that was designed for, and resulted in, the extermination of over six million Jews, Hitler was a psychopath/sociopath whose IQ has been academically guesstimated at over 140, possessed of obvious and effective oratorical skills and, like it or be appalled by it, wrote (himself, by himself) "Mein Kampf", if not particularly a scholarly work, at the very least what "1984" author George Orwell reviewed, in the day, as a volume in which "...the force of Hitler's personality shone through... capturing the magnetic allure of Hitler for many Germans."
While the "desperate to be a dictator" doofus with a low rent strip mall tan and an indescribable "combover" has an IQ of either 180 (he alone insists that's the magic number) or (and this seems more like it) the number purportedly known to appear on documentation from his 'military school' days...73....
...whose oratorical "skills" consist of childish nicknaming, four letter words strictly for the 'shock' value and the once amusing now both embarrassing and pathetic 'invention' of words that exist only in his own excuse for a 'vocabulary'...."covfefe"..."Nambia"...and....stand by, Joel Osteen wanna be's...."Two Corinthians" in "so, two Corinthians walk into a pancake breakfast....".
All of that said, the 'Hitler' dealio does ring alarmingly possible/true on a number of levels.
First, those aforementioned oratorical "skills" have, for almost a decade now, encouraged, enticed, even seduced literally millions of theoretically intelligent 'Muricans to support, endorse, celebrate, even worship this 'leader', much to the amazement of actually intelligent people who cannot begin to wrap their heads around the idea that someone so blatantly flawed as a human being could 'inspire' that kind of loyalty.
Exactly what those who today study the ascension of Adolf and the evolution that resulted in Nazi Germany wonder when it comes to the literally millions of "theoretically intelligent" Germans who supported, celebrated....even worshiped...their "hope for the nation's future".....
...who proceeded to exterminate six million human beings, plunge the entire world into a war that cost over 75 million lives....
..and ended his very own making of "Germany Great Again"....lying in the rubble of his destroyed Berlin bunker....dead from a self inflicted gunshot in the mouth.
Before the proven to be cowardly psychopath/sociopath could be brought to international justice for his horrific ravaging of mankind.
All that was missing in the whole sordid scenario were those millions who assembled to adore and praise him at his "rallys"....wearing red caps adorned with Swastikas....
And had there been social media and available Chinese factories to crank out those caps in the day...
They'd a sold like pancakes.
The kind you scarf down sitting next to two Corinthians.
Meanwhile, back at the Barr.
This "he's very possibly the actual living breathing Anti-Christ....but I'll be voting for him as he is our party's nominee" surreality is not, in the slightest, an aberration.
There's a whole lotta that shit goin' around.
Among the more noteworthy names listed in the sycophant directory....
Mitch McConnell, once upon a time Majority Leader whose spinelessness is surpassed only by his chinlessness.
And a particularly heartbreaking/infuriating new arrival on the register.
Chris Sununu of New Hampshire.
Who was, not so long ago, a vital, vibrant, even courageous GOP 'patriot' who spoke freely about his disdain/contempt for the orange creature that will not die.
Chris Sununu is all the more pitiful for the fact that he once pretended to stand for something
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) April 14, 2024
The 19th Century Cuban activist/poet Jose' Marti once sardonically offered...
"Our wine is bitter...but it's our wine..."
Yo, Jose'....
...your wine got nothin' on the current vintage of orange Kool Aid.
Especially in the case of someone like Sununu who gave us every reason to believe he was a fruit flavored, vitriolically spiked beverage teetotaler ready, even anxious, to wage a "Make America Great By Getting Sober" campaign.
But has clearly been sneaking big swigs from some flask he has stashed somewhere.
Wouldn't be at all surprised, now, to learn that he and Bill Barr have been on more than one bender together.
Chug a lug/chug a lug/burns yer morals/don't you know/makes the rest of us holler....
What the fuck.
Chug a lug/chug a lug.
All of that said...and conceding that there is no reasoning with a drunk because of the old/true adage that the first step to solving a admitting that a problem exists in the first place.
And Bill, Chris, Mitch, Curly, Moe, Larry and assorted other substance abusing "Republicans" make O.J. look like disciple Peter when it comes to unimaginable denial...
Indulge me, I ask one...simple...basic....question of you.
Where, exactly...IS the line?
If one, in fact, even exists in your consciousness anymore?
Exactly what would it take...for you to be concerned, distressed, offended, appalled, horrified enough to actually take show any sign of moral courage and, publicly.... a political....personal....
...Jean-Luc Picard....
"..this farther..."
Who would have to be "the nominee of your party" before you showed even a smidge of actual spine by taking a stand in the name of decency.
Who would have to be "the nominee of your party" before you put an end to your pathetic pandering pretending and actually...sincerely....truthfully....and absolutely, unconditionally....
...put the well an entire nation....
...above your "party"?
Nathan Bedford Forrest...the Confederate General who massacred a garrison of black Union troops after they surrendered in 1864?
Joseph McCarthy...the Wisconsin Senator who in the 1950's massacred hundreds, if not thousands, of American futures with his political persecution, paranoia and much so that his name has since those days become synonymous with brutally merciless behavior..."McCarthyism"?
Eugene "Bull" Connor...the Birmingham, Alabama sheriff who fought civil rights in the 1960's by turning law enforcement loose to both engage in beatings without restraint and free vicious dogs to maim, even kill, without a second thought?
Jeffrey Dahmer....who never met anyone he couldn't turn into a hearty meal?
How about the aforementioned, notorious, now mercifully dead O.J. Simpson...who with the exception of several very angry black jury members, had everyone on the planet convinced that he had viciously slashed two people to death for no other reason than he had been denied what he wanted whenever he wanted it?
Would any of those infamous "Americans" be the straw that not only broke the camel's back but resulted in the GOP elephant being woken the fuck up enough to say, without irony or sadistic humor, ""?
Fess up, fellas.
There is no line.
That's the new reality.
Brutally exterminating the old, tired reality.
" “detached from reality"...
You know. That illiterate sociopath who....
"...cared only about one thing: himself.”
Speaking of Nazis, a Grammar Nazi is required here.
"cared" needs to be corrected to "cares"
“Country and principle took second place"
Yeah...that needs to be "takes".
As in "the new Gospel according to MAGA"
Espoused by the unconditionally loyal disciples.
And Bill.
A long time ago, in a democracy far, far away....
Relatively honorable and skillful silver tongued orators.
Who have put honorable in dry dock.
And 'downgraded'...
From 'silver'.... orange.