Monday, June 3, 2024

"Inversion"---Rhymes With "Impaired"...


    The current timely, topical "phrase that pays"....

    ..."upside down".....

     As has become standard operating procedure, a 'catch phrase' that smugly congratulates itself, and those shooting it from the lip, on edgy, snarky, witty and dead center when it comes to describing "what's happenin'..".

    Inciting millions. But inspiring no one.

    In fact, motivating millions of the uninspired to want to speak out and point out the philosophical fly in the oratorical ointment.

    Allow me.


    Hanging the United States flag upside down, a move that is supposed to signal distress and that has ensnared Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in controversy, is now being practiced by supporters of Donald Trump to protest the former president’s conviction in his hush money trial.

    Prominent Trump supporters such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and former national security adviser Michael Flynn posted pictures of upside-down flags on social media soon after a New York jury found Trump guilty Thursday. Flynn, a retired three-star general, made the image his profile picture on X.

    By Friday, pro-Trump social media accounts were awash with images of inverted flags hanging on porches and lawns across the country. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, posted an image appearing to show the flag hanging upside down above its Washington, DC, headquarters.

    In California, dozens of American flags that were placed outside a library in Monrovia in Los Angeles County to commemorate Memorial Day were turned upside down overnight Thursday.

    It is not clear who was responsible for the stunt. “The city was very surprised to learn someone inverted the flags, which were set up in honor of our community’s veterans. We were able to reset them correctly with the help of staff and community members,” Dylan Feik, Monrovia’s city manager said.

    The practice of inverting the Stars and Stripes has received renewed scrutiny after The New York Times revealed last month that an upside-down US flag was seen outside the Alito household in January 2021 – at a time when the practice was a symbol for Trump supporters who falsely claimed widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Justice Alito said his wife hoisted the symbol of discontent in response to a neighborhood dispute.

    Respect for the flag is outlined in US code, which states, “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

    Over the weekend, however, the trend seemed to be gaining steam. Country music star Jason Aldean – no stranger to political controversy – posted an image of an inverted flag to his 4.4 million followers on Instagram after the verdict Thursday, writing, “Scary times in our country right now, man. When a former POTUS gets treated like this by our justice system, what does that mean for the rest of us?” By Saturday, the post had almost half a million likes.


    First...let's take a moment to answer (translation: get out of the way) the always insightful and scholarly country "artist" who regaled us, and contributed so positively to society, with his number one Billboard 'hit', "Try That In A Small Town", the most recent in a long and illustrious history of popular songs that put bigotry, pinhole tunnel vision and shit stirring to a catchy tune, complete with a healthy gravy ladle full of "yew ain't from around here, now is ya?".

    You know....that legendary Southern hospitality those stalwart, "God fearin', flag flappin', "true patriots" offer up by the shovel full. (Conditional, of course, on whether or not "ya'll is from around here").

    Luckily (for Aldean and assorted sundry ilk, not those who think beyond the first verse/chorus of "Dixie" and/or the gospel according to Hannity), the literal answer to Jason's, we presume, rhetorical question is a 'simple 'un...

     What it means "for the rest of us"...(and there's a whole lotta cracker barrel "jawin" to be jawed on what, exactly, makes up the "us" in the "rest of us", but that's a topic for another time....and/or a rousing rendition of Lee Greenwood's primary source of income) is that the judicial system that was conceived and implemented by the founders and has 'worked', warts and all, for the two hundred and fifty plus years since conception remains, for the moment, stalwart, steady and functioning.

    Put even more simply for those who think "Thesaurus" was their favorite in the "Jurassic Park" franchise (and who, easy assumption, don't look beyond the first verse/chorus of "Dixie" and/or the gospel according to Hannity)....

    In a nation thats bedrock necessary for survival is respect for, adherence to and obeying of, the rule of one....


    ONE. above the law.



    And for those whose Truth Social trigger fingers are already twitching, save the snappy comeback and bring it along with the Rice Krispies treats and Cliff Notes of "Mein Kampf" to your next red cap praise and worship rally. what Dean Obeidallah articulately offered up earlier this week.

"...Donald Trump was NOT convicted by Joe Biden, he was NOT convicted by the Judge, he was NOT convicted by the District Attorney.  Donald Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers. A jury, I should note, that Trump was personally “very much involved” in picking per his lawyer Todd Blanche on CNN Thursday night.

And that conviction happened in the state where Trump committed his crimes after a full trial that lasted more than a month where Trump was represented by a team of very experienced lawyers who presented his best defense. That is how our Constitution and criminal justice system works...." 


  The mistake Aldean makes is common. (There is, inevitably, a sizeable temptation to add "just like his musical output", but that's a cheap shot...and we're better than that around here....)

    That's the misconception so many millions have (or, more accurately, yearn to discover that it's true) that the Presidency of the United States is more like a royal office than an elected one.

    It is, in fact... not. 

    It was never designed to be one. It never has been. (Again, a include "and never will be". But the jury, like the national electorate, is still out on that).

    In fact...the presidency is like....

    Well...a presidency.

    It's relatively easy to understand where the confusion very likely originated.

    History has a tendency to look back at presidents past through red, white and blue glasses. Freely assigning words like "honor", "integrity", "compassion", "benevolence"....

...even....wait for it...


    Not a school kid from sea to shining sea begins their school life without being taught that George Washington was, at least, the 'father of our country' and, not stretching it much, even as close to a "saint" as earthly living would (does) allow.

    Throw in some Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt and honorable mentions like Truman and Eisenhower and you've got a roster of "the revered" that would be as at home in Buckingham Palace as at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    But they weren't saints. And they weren't kings.

    And none of the other forty two other temporary occupants at 1600 were saints...or kings.

    America has never been about that.

    The sound of the current clock, and/or potential detonator, ticking notwithstanding.

    And in this year on the E Pluribus Unum Timeline?

    When it comes to those in, or seeking, high office deserving of any kind of 'reverence' whatsoever?

    Not a single coronation worthy in a carload.

    It's time to stop idealizing, not to mention idolizing, those who seek a lease on the Oval Office.

    And recognize what they are, in fact...are.

    Forget POTUS.

    Think CEO.

    And stop thinking of America as some grand, glorious Norman Rockwell portrait, resplendent in its oil based adoration offerings of spacious skies, amber waves of grain, purple mountain majesties....

...and let's get real....knock it off with that land of the free, home of the brave bullshit.

    Time to grow up and see "America" for what it is.

    A "corporation" that, under ideal circumstances, is professionally and expertly run by a CEO (the term "chief executive" can't help but come to mind) with the assistance of an equally professional and expert "board" (term 'cabinet' ringing any bells for you?).

    All of whom have, at heart, the best interests of their employees, shareholders, clients and customers.

    ALL of their employees, shareholders, clients and customers.

    NOT just those who provide the  means to keep them in their overfed, overpaid, over indulged 'executive positions'.

    A "corporation" that has, in fact, been run with honor and integrity and vision by only a select few of the forty six 'chief executives' who have been "in charge" since its inception.

    You know.....

    "America-Since 1776"...

    "Chief Executives" whose sole purpose....and whose sole 'authority' rooted in the responsibility they pledge, upon taking the job, to do everything they can for the betterment of ALL.

    Rewind fourteen words.

    Read this again....

    "...upon taking the job..."

    NOWHERE does it, nor should it, read...

    "...upon taking the throne..." 

    Meanwhile, complicating the issue, not to mention contributing to the confusion, is this "commander-in-chief" crap.

    Entrusting the staggering, and staggeringly dangerous, power of massive, literally, armed forces to a single, with only one or two historical exceptions, woefully inexperienced, in military matters,  'businessman' and, accordingly, taking the chance that they will, as the situations arise, have the strength of character and savvy of conduct to make the decisions that prevent plunging the nation into world war...or committing the ultimate, and unavoidably final, fuck up....and causing the end of life on the  planet as we know it.

    Pretty ballsy, not to mention stupid, handing over of the dice, wouldn't you say?

    Given all of that, and put into perspective, it's more than just a little lucky for us that this "big boss man" thing that gets awarded, renewed or rejected every four years is, in fact, NOT in any way a "royal gig".

    Put simply (again) for those who simply cannot go on without believing that "Henry the Eighth" was wedged in there somewhere between Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison....

    Presidents are NOT now...have never been....kings.

    Presidents...are civilians.

    As in "president".

    With a tiny 'p'. (the Donald punchlines are screaming to get out...but, again....we're better than that)..

    With what boils down to a nine to five just like the majority of the millions who make up that always impish group, "we, the people".


    And, as civilians, subject to the same responsibilities, liabilities and accountabilities as every single other "people" in the aforementioned "we".

    America, both the 'nation'...and the 'corporation'...functions as dictated by a specific set of rules, regulations and assorted other legal and moral guidelines.

    Yo, "Henry VIII" groupies....that's what we mean when we use the phrase "Rule of Law".

    Yo, Jason Aldean Williams...that's what treating POTUS like 'the rest of us' means...for the rest of us.

    Exactly what it was meant to mean. Exactly what it should mean.

    That no above the a nation that's primary foundation..probably THE critical pillar that keeps the Republic from the rule of law.

    And, finally, when it comes to yo's.

    YO...Alito, Taylor Greene, Flynn and all the rest of you selfless, insightful, intelligent, mature, yes, it is a marvel that I can speak these names and associate those adjectives with a straight face...all of you who clearly, sadly, aw, hell...pathetically....seem to need a King to rule over you....

...wait...scratch that....who seem to need a King to rule over the rest of us while you go on about the business of praising, adoring, worshiping and absolving that King of any accountability for ANYTHING.....

    Fly your fucking flags anyway that flips your Stars and Stripes.

    While time, and history, do what time and history always eventually do.

    Inspire and motivate the "good guys" to rally and rise up against the lack of honor, integrity, responsibility, liability and accountability....

    And open up a whup ass can of revolution on ya.

    Kicking your 'president' (with a..very...tiny 'p') to the curb.

    And wiping that hilariously pathetic 'royal' smirk off of your faces.

    Take a look at the timeline, MAGA minions.

    Sooner or looks like enough is enough.

    No matter how you look at it.

    Right side up.

    Or upside down.