Friday, July 12, 2024

The Man With The Orange Hair/Golden Gun


When seeking concise and cogent insight into the political landscape in these troubling times, when one hopes to find some rhyme or reason or useful guidance when it comes to what is shaping up to be a death match between Lady Liberty and MAGA, there can be only one name that should come to mind.

Ian Fleming.


Ian Fleming.

Uh...the Ian Fleming?


The Ian Fleming who, between 1953 and 1966, wrote eleven novels and two short story collections featuring the fictional 'Commander in the Royal Navy Reserve and officer in the Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6.

Said Commander, of course, better known by his MI6 code number.


That's right.

Bond. James Bond.

Okay. So let us now address the irrefutable obligatory question.

WTF does James Bond have to do with Biden V. Trump?

Allow me.

In "Thunderball", the Sean Connery starring movie based on Fleming's ninth 007 novel (yes, it was the fourth Connery film, but the movie versions didn't follow the book publishing chronology...and thanks, Mr./Mrs/Ms Helper...), there is a night time scene in which Bond returns to the island home of the plot's villain, SPECTRE big wig, Emilio Largo which he has visited at Largo's invitation earlier that day.

Trying to sneak back on the property that night unnoticed, he is, instead, discovered and a fire fight breaks out. 

In the confusion and darkness, Bond, at one point, steps quickly out between two factions of Largo's henchmen, fires a single shot and then ducks back out of sight. The henchmen, unable to see clearly in the darkness, return fire in the direction of Bond's single shot.

The result....Largo has to scream loudly for his mob to cease firing....

"...stop it! stop it! FOOLS !....he's got you shooting at each other...."

According to polling stats at this writing, a majority of Americans are preparing to re-elect to the Presidency of the United States a "leader" whose single...only...verifiable skill is his ability/obsessive neurotic need to pit one against another....stirring a 'we never close' shit  pot of below the best insults, spewing one offensive, demeaning and degrading nickname at one, any and all who don't worship his walking ground, taking a position on one day, taking the opposite position the next day, denying that he 

a) took the first position

b) switched to the second position

and telling whatever video/audio available lie is necessary to both avoid liability and accountability.

And keeps tens of millions of "god fearing, law abiding 'Muricans' sufficiently confused, conflicted and convinced that he, and he alone, is the only cure in existence for what ails them.

Even though he is, and continues to be, the primary cause of what ails in the first place.




It's a strategy as old as the Great Wall of China.

Divide...and conquer.

Be divided.

And be conquered.

A dramatic device conjured up in a fictional work by Ian Fleming.

Who lived in an island home he called "Goldeneye"

Proving to be a smashing success in the American political process. 

For an unequaled grifter/sociopath with a single...and sole...skill.

Who will very likely soon be re-inhabiting a legendary home at 1600 Pennsylvania.

Having lived for years in an island home he calls....

Mar A Largo.

Oh. Sorry.

Freudian slip.

Make that 'Lago". 

Be sure and vote in November.

And as you close the curtain on the booth, let this refrain come roaring into your brain.

" fools!....

...he's got you shooting at each other...."

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"...Profiles In Courage"?...Uh, Yeah, That's Over There In American Fiction

State Secrecy Explains the Origins of ...


Three little words.

America likes slogans/mottos that consist of three little words.

Let freedom ring.

United we stand.

We, the people.

E Pluribus Unum (admittedly four little words in the translation, but, work with me here, we're doing patriotic shit, k? )

And, of course, that rootin', tootin', flag wavin' part testimony of loyalty, part mandatory sing along anthem hook....




Fess up. You're thinkin' about amber waves of grain right now, aren't ya?

Here's a lesser known, ergo much lesser heard and much, much lesser used three word phrase that is, arguably, the most critically impacting...and important...of any and all.




The complete phrase, in fact, is "speak truth to power", but the verb does nothing to dilute the significance of the three primary words.

The 'slang' portion of offers up a clear and concise "definition" of the phrase, the whole phrase and especially the phrase.

"...The expression speak truth to power implies a moral imperative to stand up for what is right,  especially to national leaders, even when it’s not the easiest thing to do...."    

History is chock-a-block full of instances, incidents and examples of said truth being said to various and sundry powers through the ages.

For the sake of brevity and getting rapidly to the point, here's an 'at this moment' example of our featured phrase in a state of "nowhere to be found".

Senator Michael Bennet, the Colorado Democrat who briefly ran for president himself, said Mr. Biden had to “reassure the American people that he can run a vigorous campaign to defeat Donald Trump.”

Senator Patty Murray of Washington, a senior member of the Democratic leadership team, put out a statement that passed for fighting words, saying that the president “must do more to demonstrate that he can campaign strong enough to beat Donald Trump.”

So far, Mr. Biden has done none of that.

And yet, Democrats on Capitol Hill are stifling their doubts and falling in line behind him anyway.

Having spent the last week and a half in various stages of private panic and public skepticism about Mr. Biden’s viability as a candidate and whispering among themselves about what the best way to push him aside might be — a strongly worded letter? a White House meeting? a high-level intervention? — top Democrats on Tuesday settled on a strategy many of them conceded could be disastrous: They would do nothing, at least for now.

Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut argues that Mr. Biden and only Mr. Biden can decide his future, and that it is not up to Congress to pressure him out of the race.

“He has my support, and I think he is right now the only one who will decide whether he continues to be the candidate,” Mr. Blumenthal said.

Longtime party loyalists said they were now reduced to hoping for another major public misstep by Mr. Biden, such as a serious stumble at his NATO news conference, to either persuade reticent members of Congress to speak out or to convince the president that he should leave the race on his own.

The stance struck the lone-wolf Democrats who have stuck their necks out to publicly call for Mr. Biden to step aside as preposterous — and even dangerous.

“The idea that we are going to slow-walk into fascism because we don’t want to hurt somebody that we respect’s feelings — I cannot even begin to tell you how angry that makes me,” said Representative Adam Smith of Washington, the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee and one of seven House Democrats to publicly call on Mr. Biden to step aside.


Adam Smith, as the saying goes, parks one over the center field wall.

Re-read, and rethink, for just a moment.

"...we are going to slow walk into fascism...because we don't want to hurt....somebody's feelings..."

Truth to power.

Without speaking it, all the God blessing America in the world won't save it.

Time to freshen up the Congressional theme song.


Truth to power.

In dire need by...




Thursday, July 4, 2024

"...This Is No Time For Cold Fingers...Dead or Otherwise"


We're only human.

We all make mistakes.

We all have bad days.

Since the debate debacle June 27th, the 'defense' expressed by those who remain steadfast in their support of Joe and insist that he should "stay the course"..."hang in there"..."keep on keepin' on" or any of the myriad of slogans/mottos/catchphrases/bumper stickers that serve as rallying cries is that....

...he's only human....

...he made mistakes...

...he had a bad day.

Here's the thing about that.

There are bad days we can have.

There are bad days we simply cannot.

There are mistakes we can make.

There are mistakes we simply cannot. 

Hold that thought for a moment.

Odds are slimmer than slim, as you peruse this essay, that you don't already know where I land on the matter of Trump and his existence on the mortal coil, let alone his "fitness" for elected office.

As a courtesy to those who might be visiting for the first time, allow me to borrow a catchphrase from another dark and disturbing 'Chief Executive', name of Nixon and "let me make one thing perfectly clear..."

Short of simultaneously detonating all of the stored nuclear weapons in the continental United States, voters could do nothing more effective at damaging/destroying the continental United States than casting their vote in favor of slapping yet another tawdry, tacky, cheap gold plated TRUMP sign over the front door at 1600 Pennsylvania.

As a matter of fact, detonating said weapons would be the more merciful of the two options.

At least with nukes, we would likely all die swiftly, many (most) without even having more than a nano second to realize the end had arrived.

Put simply...nukes would instantly disintegrate, even evaporate, the land of the free, home of the brave.

Re-electing Corleorange would have us bearing witness to a slow, tortuous demolition.

The mushroom cloud comes in a hot, roaring blinding light.

Trump comes in like a wrecking ball.

With an IQ to match.

(Should the worst happen in November, my peeps are already preparing new bumper stickers allowing me to, if only briefly, cash in....."TrumpAmerica 2.0-Kill Me Now"...)

This concludes the "just so you know where I stand" portion of the program.

We now return to our primary theme.

There are mistakes we can make.

There are bad days we can have.

There are mistakes...and bad days...we cannot.

We can have a bad day by making the mistake of speeding and being pulled over for doing 70 in a 55.

We cannot have a bad day by making the mistake of losing control of the car at 70 MPH and plowing into a grandstand filled with Little League fans, parents and siblings.

An airline pilot can have a bad day by making the mistake of oversleeping and inconveniencing passengers with an additional hour delay while he hurries to work.

An airline pilot cannot have a bad day by making the mistake of falling asleep and accidentally sending the plane into a free fall, crashing and burning and killing hundreds of people.

A doctor can have a bad day by making the mistake of over-scheduling appointments and causing numerous people various levels of inconvenience for having to experience long and frustrating delays.

A doctor cannot have a bad day by making the mistake of replacing the wrong knee or hip of the two, writing off what turns out to be internal bleeding as indigestion...or nicking/slicing the wrong vein/artery resulting in irreparable damage or death.

A sitting President of the United States can have a bad day by making the mistake of mispronouncing simple words in a speech...closing his eyes to refresh himself as a boring meeting drones on and on....even momentarily mistaking "Stans", as in Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan.... 

...after all, even the sharpest of us trips over that shit from time to time.

But a sitting President of the United States cannot come to a presidential election debate, one of only two, that will be witnessed by, literally, billions of people....and millions of voters....a debate that will refuse to fade away due to 24/7 radio and television and social media...and not only appear disoriented, confused, even lethargic but give even passionate supporters concern, and pause, that, however well intended the man might be, he is clearly not a young man and is undeniably showing definitive symptoms of the mental and physical deterioration that, through no fault of our own, affects, sooner or later, us all....

...and clumsily attempt to 'excuse' that presentation by having administration media spinners try to spin it off by reminding us that....

...we're only human.

...we all mistakes.

...we all have bad days.

We, the people, have that luxury.

Those behind the the operating the cockpit...

Behind that desk in the round room at 1600 Pennsylvania.

Not so much.

Those of us with any sense...or any heart...or any soul...understand and sympathize, even empathize.

But even the most compassionate amongst us are faced with a blunt, no exception situation.

We all fear, and rightfully so, any one we have reason to believe might plow into a grandstand at 70MPH.

We all fear, and rightfully so, any doctor we have reason to believe might mistake one joint for another, misdiagnose a critical condition or mistakenly, even accidentally, nick or slice anything essential.

We all fear, and rightfully so, any pilot who we have any reason to believe might not be razor sharp, clear as crystal and always well rested and alert.

Because, and rightfully so, we all fear being run over...bleeding out in surgery...or plummeting to earth, crashing and burning to death.

All of this...especially in light of an unavoidable truth that all of us who have, do and/or have yet to witness the inevitable deterioration of those we know and/or love know....

He's not going to improve. 

There is no such thing as a 'cure' for deterioration.

And it's not just's, at the bedrock bottom, foolish, even not acknowledge that...and react accordingly.

All of that said...

The 'answer" is a billion, give or take a gazillion, miles in the other direction from...

"replace Biden with Trump"

That would be the electoral and societal equivalent of picking up a snake.... kill a stick.

What needs to happen is a unanimous acknowledgement and acceptance of the fact that a good and decent man has given all he has had to give in service to his country, should be rightfully held in high regard and appreciation for that service....

...and congratulated, celebrated...and deeply thanked....

...for concluding that service to his nation by making his final public act a demonstration of what another long ago leader was referring to when he took that same oath and gave a speech remembered to this day....

"...ask what you...can do for your country..."

What can you do, Joe?

What should you do?

Grasp that one, very noble, last chance to lead..

By grasping that torch the nice lady on Liberty Island would surely loan you.

And pass it on.









Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On The Matter of Pinholes...

Why SCOTUS' Delay on Trump Immunity ...


Evidence very often to the contrary, I don't always like to be right.

Nor (brace yourselves, those who are arching eyebrows and rolling eyes at the moment), there are moments that I, if only secretly, hope, wish, even pray that I am, in fact, dead damn wrong.

There are, have been and, no doubt, will be plenty of occasions when I sincerely hope that my instincts are off kilter, my suspicions are misleading me and my cynicism...well, my trusty old sidekick, cynicism, is affecting my judgement.

Add to that that I've honestly never seen myself, necessarily, as particularly prescient, let alone psychic and have never had any aspirations or ambitions when it come to the art(s) of prognostication or mentalism...

...and the saying of sooths has never been a pastime, let alone a passion. 

And while I'm box checking me, let's go ahead and include that, white hair and ever enlarging prostate notwithstanding, I've, good Lord willin', creek don't rise, still "got a lotta livin' (yet) do", it's worth mentioning that you can (still) chill me, thrill me, entice me, entertain me, impress me, dazzle me, seduce me, affect me, impact me...and you can offend, insult, irritate, annoy, anger, enrage, smack, stun...even shock the (considerable) shit outta me....

But you cannot....ever.....

Surprise me.




Primarily because of what I know. Based on what I've experienced.

If pressed to sum up a life philosophy as succinctly as possible, I could respond with two words.



"...I know a thing or two....cause I've seen a thing or two..."

(The trick to 'tasteful' sarcasm is in adding just the right sized smidge of "irony" to make it less hostile)


What happened on the American history timeline yesterday unleashed a tsunami of emotional reaction from sea to shining sea.

And I'd be lying if I didn't offer that I, too, reacted.


Pissed off...yah, you betcha.

Stunned? Only as a product of the disbelief that any group of supposedly "fair minded jurists" could be that bluntly blatant in their prejudices, their corruptions...and the spirit, if not the letter, of the oaths they took to claim the lifetime gig. (That shit needs to come to an end, too, but that's rhetoric for another place, time and rant).



Anyone who has labored under the impression (pronounced "dee-loo-zhun") that this "Court" was going to come anywhere near declaring that immunity was not going to be doled out like cheap ass Chinese Red Caps that misspell the word "MAGGOT" at rallies (pronounced: "ass kissing worship orgies light years beyond nauseating") have been laboring up the wrong tree, down the wrong road or living with a head sunk so deeply in the sand or up their own ass that their ability to draw breath belongs in a new reboot version of "Ripley's Believe It Or Not".

When it comes to naivete' that can be arguably described as a case of 'reckless endangerment", the 'phrase that pays' and 'trump-ets' that ignorance is...

"..oh, for fuck's sake...that could never happen here..."

You see, the mass of mixed mental acuity hilariously, if not tragically, referred to as "we, the people" still, after all this time, has failed to log on and download to their own particular hard drive of a cerebellum another phrase that should have, by now, found its way to the number one slot on the ol' hit parade....bumping that "never happen here" malarkey right off the charts...

"Nothing....absolutely nothing....EVER happens....until it happens the first time."

But let's put a pin in that.

And return to today's thematic.


The "Court" ruling that essentially converts democracy into sovereignty consists of one hundred and nineteen pages of legal mumbo jumbo (pronounced: double talkin' horse shit) that will be (is being) researched, resected, dissected, discussed, debated and analyzed most surely (bet the farm) to the point of giving birth to that oldie but goodie....

"paralysis of analysis..."

Allow me to spare you the possibility of being paralyzed and/or spending the next few days/weeks/months confused, conflicted or crazy, unable to get a clear picture of the big picture because the noise is too noisy and the smoke is too smoky and the mumbo just has too much fucking jumbo.

It turns out...that there is such a thing as 'a little bit pregnant'.

For our attention span challenged audience, let's use our weather map editing Sharpie and simplify, distilling the whole kaboodle to twelve words.

"...actually...there is now officially one person who is above the law"

Under "normal" circumstances, there would be only minor 'cause for alarm', an interpretation of law that would certainly trigger tons (and tons and...) of debate, discussion, dissent, da do ron ron. And rightly so, for it really does open not just a can but, at least, a fifty gallon barrel of legal/Constitutional worms that would/could/can/will be, metaphorically, sliced and diced for years, if not generations, to come.

But under those "normal" circumstances, we could/would take some comfort/relief in knowing that 'the President" whoever that might be at any given time, could be counted on to honor the vows made in his/her oath of office (you know, that catchy "preserve, protect and defend" thing that has become less valuable on paper than a CVS receipt).

We could, if only just enough, rely on the integrity, intelligence and authentic patriotism of that president. Trusting that while a ruling like that would be comparable to handing someone a loaded weapon capable of mass murder, that person could be relied upon to store it safely and take it out when, if and only the situation was so dire that locking, loading, even opening fire were last resorts.

Desperate times...and all that other now poetic bullshit.

But while these are most certainly desperate times, we are a million miles, and another million after that, from a time of "normal circumstances"

"Normal circumstances" took their first potentially fatal hit almost a decade ago. When a cheap and tawdry carnival barker with an uproarious combover and a stunningly sloppy spray on "tan" rode a cheap and tawdry faux gold escalator down to a gathering of media monkeys and announced that he had decided to gift America with his unequaled brilliance and make it 'great again'.

The second, now almost inevitably terminal gut punch, was delivered November 8, 2016 when the Electoral College set an all time high in its own long list of outcomes that proved, beyond any thing resembling a reasonable doubt, that it (the "College") needed to be dismantled, deconstructed, dissasembled and reassembled at some cheesy Interstate exit "World's Greatest Fuck Ups"tourist trap...

...or maybe even as a display in the Smithsonian, proving to future generations of Americans that even the Founding Fathers were just decent humans, subject to stumbling and committing big, bad boners.

January 6?

Well, one could offer that it should have been the final, fatal blow.

But, damn it, ol Lady Liberty (known in other woods necks as "Debbie Democracy) was like Rocky Balboa slamming it out with Mr.  T....refusing to stay down...determined to get back up... assumes that July 1, 2024 comes next.

And the stinging Rosie Republic face smack that tries to disguise, via one hundred and nineteen pages of legalese/mumbo jumbo, that there is now, officially, one person in the United States of America who is above the laws of the United States of America.

Actually, July 1st being bad enough, there's a darker, more ominous calendar date lurking.

Get your circling pen in hand...and flip the page(s) to January 20th.


On that day, current conditions being what they are, it's not a particularly risky gamble to bet that the Electoral College will top (lower) itself, shatter its own infamous record...and hand back over the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania to the same cheap and tawdry carnival barker with the uproarious combover and stunningly sloppy spray on "tan" it rented to eight years ago.

A clinical sociopath who has made it crystal clear in words and actions that he has no interest whatsoever in any thing....any...thing...that doesn't meet his personal demands, satisfy his personal addictions and cater to his wishes and whims.

An immeasurable narcissist celluarly incapable of demonstrating integrity, intelligence or respect for any rule, regulation or law that doesn't honor...him, himself...and only him and wouldn't recognize integrity, intelligence, respect and/or honor....

...if it grabbed him firmly by the pussy.

Six "justices" on the Supreme "Court" have issued a ruling that they insultingly insist provides a President immunity to criminal prosecution "only in certain circumstances".

Here's a quick couple of lesser known/used legal terms.



Think of the rule of law as a condom.

And the orange carnival barker is determined, and fully intending, to impregnate.

As of July 1, he no longer needs to force himself into the national vagina.

He simply needs to succeed in the seduction.

Six "jurists" have given Donald Trump a pinhole.

Monday, June 3, 2024

"Inversion"---Rhymes With "Impaired"...


    The current timely, topical "phrase that pays"....

    ..."upside down".....

     As has become standard operating procedure, a 'catch phrase' that smugly congratulates itself, and those shooting it from the lip, on edgy, snarky, witty and dead center when it comes to describing "what's happenin'..".

    Inciting millions. But inspiring no one.

    In fact, motivating millions of the uninspired to want to speak out and point out the philosophical fly in the oratorical ointment.

    Allow me.


    Hanging the United States flag upside down, a move that is supposed to signal distress and that has ensnared Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in controversy, is now being practiced by supporters of Donald Trump to protest the former president’s conviction in his hush money trial.

    Prominent Trump supporters such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and former national security adviser Michael Flynn posted pictures of upside-down flags on social media soon after a New York jury found Trump guilty Thursday. Flynn, a retired three-star general, made the image his profile picture on X.

    By Friday, pro-Trump social media accounts were awash with images of inverted flags hanging on porches and lawns across the country. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, posted an image appearing to show the flag hanging upside down above its Washington, DC, headquarters.

    In California, dozens of American flags that were placed outside a library in Monrovia in Los Angeles County to commemorate Memorial Day were turned upside down overnight Thursday.

    It is not clear who was responsible for the stunt. “The city was very surprised to learn someone inverted the flags, which were set up in honor of our community’s veterans. We were able to reset them correctly with the help of staff and community members,” Dylan Feik, Monrovia’s city manager said.

    The practice of inverting the Stars and Stripes has received renewed scrutiny after The New York Times revealed last month that an upside-down US flag was seen outside the Alito household in January 2021 – at a time when the practice was a symbol for Trump supporters who falsely claimed widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Justice Alito said his wife hoisted the symbol of discontent in response to a neighborhood dispute.

    Respect for the flag is outlined in US code, which states, “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

    Over the weekend, however, the trend seemed to be gaining steam. Country music star Jason Aldean – no stranger to political controversy – posted an image of an inverted flag to his 4.4 million followers on Instagram after the verdict Thursday, writing, “Scary times in our country right now, man. When a former POTUS gets treated like this by our justice system, what does that mean for the rest of us?” By Saturday, the post had almost half a million likes.


    First...let's take a moment to answer (translation: get out of the way) the always insightful and scholarly country "artist" who regaled us, and contributed so positively to society, with his number one Billboard 'hit', "Try That In A Small Town", the most recent in a long and illustrious history of popular songs that put bigotry, pinhole tunnel vision and shit stirring to a catchy tune, complete with a healthy gravy ladle full of "yew ain't from around here, now is ya?".

    You know....that legendary Southern hospitality those stalwart, "God fearin', flag flappin', "true patriots" offer up by the shovel full. (Conditional, of course, on whether or not "ya'll is from around here").

    Luckily (for Aldean and assorted sundry ilk, not those who think beyond the first verse/chorus of "Dixie" and/or the gospel according to Hannity), the literal answer to Jason's, we presume, rhetorical question is a 'simple 'un...

     What it means "for the rest of us"...(and there's a whole lotta cracker barrel "jawin" to be jawed on what, exactly, makes up the "us" in the "rest of us", but that's a topic for another time....and/or a rousing rendition of Lee Greenwood's primary source of income) is that the judicial system that was conceived and implemented by the founders and has 'worked', warts and all, for the two hundred and fifty plus years since conception remains, for the moment, stalwart, steady and functioning.

    Put even more simply for those who think "Thesaurus" was their favorite in the "Jurassic Park" franchise (and who, easy assumption, don't look beyond the first verse/chorus of "Dixie" and/or the gospel according to Hannity)....

    In a nation thats bedrock necessary for survival is respect for, adherence to and obeying of, the rule of one....


    ONE. above the law.



    And for those whose Truth Social trigger fingers are already twitching, save the snappy comeback and bring it along with the Rice Krispies treats and Cliff Notes of "Mein Kampf" to your next red cap praise and worship rally. what Dean Obeidallah articulately offered up earlier this week.

"...Donald Trump was NOT convicted by Joe Biden, he was NOT convicted by the Judge, he was NOT convicted by the District Attorney.  Donald Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers. A jury, I should note, that Trump was personally “very much involved” in picking per his lawyer Todd Blanche on CNN Thursday night.

And that conviction happened in the state where Trump committed his crimes after a full trial that lasted more than a month where Trump was represented by a team of very experienced lawyers who presented his best defense. That is how our Constitution and criminal justice system works...." 


  The mistake Aldean makes is common. (There is, inevitably, a sizeable temptation to add "just like his musical output", but that's a cheap shot...and we're better than that around here....)

    That's the misconception so many millions have (or, more accurately, yearn to discover that it's true) that the Presidency of the United States is more like a royal office than an elected one.

    It is, in fact... not. 

    It was never designed to be one. It never has been. (Again, a include "and never will be". But the jury, like the national electorate, is still out on that).

    In fact...the presidency is like....

    Well...a presidency.

    It's relatively easy to understand where the confusion very likely originated.

    History has a tendency to look back at presidents past through red, white and blue glasses. Freely assigning words like "honor", "integrity", "compassion", "benevolence"....

...even....wait for it...


    Not a school kid from sea to shining sea begins their school life without being taught that George Washington was, at least, the 'father of our country' and, not stretching it much, even as close to a "saint" as earthly living would (does) allow.

    Throw in some Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt and honorable mentions like Truman and Eisenhower and you've got a roster of "the revered" that would be as at home in Buckingham Palace as at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    But they weren't saints. And they weren't kings.

    And none of the other forty two other temporary occupants at 1600 were saints...or kings.

    America has never been about that.

    The sound of the current clock, and/or potential detonator, ticking notwithstanding.

    And in this year on the E Pluribus Unum Timeline?

    When it comes to those in, or seeking, high office deserving of any kind of 'reverence' whatsoever?

    Not a single coronation worthy in a carload.

    It's time to stop idealizing, not to mention idolizing, those who seek a lease on the Oval Office.

    And recognize what they are, in fact...are.

    Forget POTUS.

    Think CEO.

    And stop thinking of America as some grand, glorious Norman Rockwell portrait, resplendent in its oil based adoration offerings of spacious skies, amber waves of grain, purple mountain majesties....

...and let's get real....knock it off with that land of the free, home of the brave bullshit.

    Time to grow up and see "America" for what it is.

    A "corporation" that, under ideal circumstances, is professionally and expertly run by a CEO (the term "chief executive" can't help but come to mind) with the assistance of an equally professional and expert "board" (term 'cabinet' ringing any bells for you?).

    All of whom have, at heart, the best interests of their employees, shareholders, clients and customers.

    ALL of their employees, shareholders, clients and customers.

    NOT just those who provide the  means to keep them in their overfed, overpaid, over indulged 'executive positions'.

    A "corporation" that has, in fact, been run with honor and integrity and vision by only a select few of the forty six 'chief executives' who have been "in charge" since its inception.

    You know.....

    "America-Since 1776"...

    "Chief Executives" whose sole purpose....and whose sole 'authority' rooted in the responsibility they pledge, upon taking the job, to do everything they can for the betterment of ALL.

    Rewind fourteen words.

    Read this again....

    "...upon taking the job..."

    NOWHERE does it, nor should it, read...

    "...upon taking the throne..." 

    Meanwhile, complicating the issue, not to mention contributing to the confusion, is this "commander-in-chief" crap.

    Entrusting the staggering, and staggeringly dangerous, power of massive, literally, armed forces to a single, with only one or two historical exceptions, woefully inexperienced, in military matters,  'businessman' and, accordingly, taking the chance that they will, as the situations arise, have the strength of character and savvy of conduct to make the decisions that prevent plunging the nation into world war...or committing the ultimate, and unavoidably final, fuck up....and causing the end of life on the  planet as we know it.

    Pretty ballsy, not to mention stupid, handing over of the dice, wouldn't you say?

    Given all of that, and put into perspective, it's more than just a little lucky for us that this "big boss man" thing that gets awarded, renewed or rejected every four years is, in fact, NOT in any way a "royal gig".

    Put simply (again) for those who simply cannot go on without believing that "Henry the Eighth" was wedged in there somewhere between Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison....

    Presidents are NOT now...have never been....kings.

    Presidents...are civilians.

    As in "president".

    With a tiny 'p'. (the Donald punchlines are screaming to get out...but, again....we're better than that)..

    With what boils down to a nine to five just like the majority of the millions who make up that always impish group, "we, the people".


    And, as civilians, subject to the same responsibilities, liabilities and accountabilities as every single other "people" in the aforementioned "we".

    America, both the 'nation'...and the 'corporation'...functions as dictated by a specific set of rules, regulations and assorted other legal and moral guidelines.

    Yo, "Henry VIII" groupies....that's what we mean when we use the phrase "Rule of Law".

    Yo, Jason Aldean Williams...that's what treating POTUS like 'the rest of us' means...for the rest of us.

    Exactly what it was meant to mean. Exactly what it should mean.

    That no above the a nation that's primary foundation..probably THE critical pillar that keeps the Republic from the rule of law.

    And, finally, when it comes to yo's.

    YO...Alito, Taylor Greene, Flynn and all the rest of you selfless, insightful, intelligent, mature, yes, it is a marvel that I can speak these names and associate those adjectives with a straight face...all of you who clearly, sadly, aw, hell...pathetically....seem to need a King to rule over you....

...wait...scratch that....who seem to need a King to rule over the rest of us while you go on about the business of praising, adoring, worshiping and absolving that King of any accountability for ANYTHING.....

    Fly your fucking flags anyway that flips your Stars and Stripes.

    While time, and history, do what time and history always eventually do.

    Inspire and motivate the "good guys" to rally and rise up against the lack of honor, integrity, responsibility, liability and accountability....

    And open up a whup ass can of revolution on ya.

    Kicking your 'president' (with a..very...tiny 'p') to the curb.

    And wiping that hilariously pathetic 'royal' smirk off of your faces.

    Take a look at the timeline, MAGA minions.

    Sooner or looks like enough is enough.

    No matter how you look at it.

    Right side up.

    Or upside down.     








Saturday, April 20, 2024

Even Jim Jones Could Get Elected...And At Least He'd Provide The Kool Aid...



Former Trump Attorney General, former Trump defector and critic Bill Barr has just announced that he will be seeking an appointment to some high level job in the Trump Administration that will begin this coming January.

Oh...and he has also just announced that he is scared to death of Donald Trump and any/all who are a part of the MAGA cult.

What's that, thou who doth protest?

He hasn't "announced" anything like that at all ??

Of course he has.

Actions...and network television interview yammer..speak tons of decibels louder than conventional "announcements".

Read the italicized article just ahead.

(psst...and don't forget to read between the lines... you'll need to do that in order to intelligently follow along after you finish.....except, of course, for you, Marjorie Taylor get a pass on anything that comes within a thousand miles of being "intelligent")

Bill Barr, who served as attorney general in Donald Trump’s administration and has repeatedly disputed his former boss’s claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, on Wednesday said he will vote for “the Republican ticket” in November, adding that a second term in office for President Joe Biden would be “national suicide.”

In an interview with Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” Barr, who has previously also called into question Trump’s fitness to serve, still thinks Biden and his policies represent a greater threat to the U.S.

“Well, I’ve said all along, you know, given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country and in my mind that’s — I will vote the Republican ticket,” Barr said. “I will support the Republican ticket.”

Barr suggested Biden is pursuing a progressive agenda, which he described as “the real danger to the country, the real danger to democracy.”

“Trump may be playing Russian roulette but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion,” he added.

Barr, who stood by Trump for most of the time he served in the Department of Justice, resigned from the administration in December 2020 after he gave an interview to The Associated Press saying the DOJ had found no evidence to support Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud in that year’s presidential contest.

In an interview with The Atlantic in June 2021, Barr doubled down, saying Trump’s claim that the election was stolen from him was “all bullshit.” He also testified before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, describing Trump as “detached from reality” over his espousal of voting conspiracy theories.

In his own book published in 2022, Barr wrote the time he spent working alongside the president showed him “Trump cared only about one thing: himself.”

“Country and principle took second place,” he added.

Still, while Barr refused to endorse Trump in the 2024 Republican primary, he had not explicitly ruled out eventually supporting Trump’s candidacy if he secured the GOP nomination.

During the Fox News interview, Barr also criticized the hush money case against Trump in New York, where the former president has been charged with falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

Barr said the case is an “abomination” and that the charges leveled against the former president were politically motivated.

“To me this shows that the real threat to liberty, the real threat to our system are the excesses of the progressive left,” Barr said. “They’re perverting the system of justice and that’s where the danger lies, the corruption and subversion of our institutions by the left.”


And there you go.


Still don't see what's right in front of your face here?


You disappoint me.

But surprise me?


Barr, after his spineless tenure in the cheap, tacky gold plated Corleorange Revolving Door as a Trump Attorney General Du Jour, finally (theoretically) came to his senses and went public with his utter disdain for his former employer (read: "massa") and hit the talk show circuit condemning the 'president' with zeal, zest and...dare we say...even a hint of enthusiasm.

At least the kind of enthusiasm that comes out of someone whose resting face resembles a puzzled Koala bear not entirely sure of its next move.

Now, he did have a book to sell at the time.

But surely that was a coincidence.

Back to the matter at hand.

How do I know that Barr will be looking for a job?

And that he is a quivering mass of chicken shit when it comes to the ultimate four letter word.


What other possible, rational, even remotely sensical reason could there be for letting it be known that he intends to support and vote for the very same someone he, himself, the whole self and nothing but the self described....

 " “detached from reality"... 


 "...cared only about one thing: himself.”

“Country and principle took second place,” he added."

There are, in fact, two and only two possible, rational, even remotely sensical reasons for so stunningly obscene a pledge of support.

One...he's depending on his 'support' (read: newly rebooted rectum kissing loyalty) being interpreted by 'massa' as his seeing the error of his ways and letting it be known he is ready, willing, able and nervously trembling in the hopes of serving (and this old slogan is now more infuriating than patriotic) "at the pleasure of the President".

Two...and this is the more practical, ergo likely accurate of the two possibilities...he's petrified that the name of Bill Barr will show up, come January 20th on the Cheetos smudged list of those upon whom "revenge" will be exacted.

As has already been 'promised' by the most successful pathologically lying sack of shit to ever con (rhymes with 'Don') his way into squatter's rights in the Oval Office.

It's right about now that the once thought ridiculous "Trump/Hitler" conflation comes to mind.

A comparison that, in fact, deserves its own, fresh catchy label/ID.

How about "Schrodinger's MAGA Nazi"?

Because the comparison is both potentially applicable...and not so the same time.

Not so much in that, regardless of his horrific, maniacal 'Final Solution' that was designed for, and resulted in, the extermination of over six million Jews, Hitler was a psychopath/sociopath whose IQ has been academically guesstimated at over 140, possessed of obvious and effective oratorical skills and, like it or be appalled by it, wrote (himself, by himself) "Mein Kampf", if not particularly a scholarly work, at the very least what "1984" author George Orwell reviewed, in the day, as a volume in which "...the force of Hitler's personality shone through... capturing the magnetic allure of Hitler for many Germans."

While the "desperate to be a dictator" doofus with a low rent strip mall tan and an indescribable "combover" has an IQ of either 180 (he alone insists that's the magic number) or (and this seems more like it) the number purportedly known to appear on documentation from his 'military school' days...73....

...whose oratorical "skills" consist of childish nicknaming, four letter words strictly for the 'shock' value and the once amusing now both embarrassing and pathetic 'invention' of words that exist only in his own excuse for a 'vocabulary'...."covfefe"..."Nambia"...and....stand by, Joel Osteen wanna be's...."Two Corinthians" in "so, two Corinthians walk into a pancake breakfast....".

All of that said, the 'Hitler' dealio does ring alarmingly possible/true on a number of levels.

First, those aforementioned oratorical "skills" have, for almost a decade now, encouraged, enticed, even seduced literally millions of theoretically intelligent 'Muricans to support, endorse, celebrate, even worship this 'leader', much to the amazement of actually intelligent people who cannot begin to wrap their heads around the idea that someone so blatantly flawed as a human being could 'inspire' that kind of loyalty.

Exactly what those who today study the ascension of Adolf and the evolution that resulted in Nazi Germany wonder when it comes to the literally millions of "theoretically intelligent" Germans who supported, celebrated....even worshiped...their "hope for the nation's future".....

...who proceeded to exterminate six million human beings, plunge the entire world into a war that cost over 75 million lives....

..and ended his very own making of "Germany Great Again"....lying in the rubble of his destroyed Berlin bunker....dead from a self inflicted gunshot in the mouth.

Before the proven to be cowardly psychopath/sociopath could be brought to international justice for his horrific ravaging of mankind.

All that was missing in the whole sordid scenario were those millions who assembled to adore and praise him at his "rallys"....wearing red caps adorned with Swastikas....

And had there been social media and available Chinese factories to crank out those caps in the day...

They'd a sold like pancakes.

The kind you scarf down sitting next to two Corinthians.

Meanwhile, back at the Barr.

This "he's very possibly the actual living breathing Anti-Christ....but I'll be voting for him as he is our party's nominee" surreality is not, in the slightest, an aberration.

There's a whole lotta that shit goin' around.

Among the more noteworthy names listed in the sycophant directory....

Mitch McConnell, once upon a time Majority Leader whose spinelessness is surpassed only by his chinlessness.

And a particularly heartbreaking/infuriating new arrival on the register.

Chris Sununu of New Hampshire.

Who was, not so long ago, a vital, vibrant, even courageous GOP 'patriot' who spoke freely about his disdain/contempt for the orange creature that will not die.




The 19th Century Cuban activist/poet Jose' Marti once sardonically offered...

"Our wine is bitter...but it's our wine..."

Yo, Jose'....

...your wine got nothin' on the current vintage of orange Kool Aid.

Especially in the case of someone like Sununu who gave us every reason to believe he was a fruit flavored, vitriolically spiked beverage teetotaler ready, even anxious, to wage a "Make America Great By Getting Sober" campaign.

But has clearly been sneaking big swigs from some flask he has stashed somewhere.

Wouldn't be at all surprised, now, to learn that he and Bill Barr have been on more than one bender together.

Chug a lug/chug a lug/burns yer morals/don't you know/makes the rest of us holler....

What the fuck.

Chug a lug/chug a lug.

All of that said...and conceding that there is no reasoning with a drunk because of the old/true adage that the first step to solving a admitting that a problem exists in the first place.

And Bill, Chris, Mitch, Curly, Moe, Larry and assorted other substance abusing "Republicans" make O.J. look like disciple Peter when it comes to unimaginable denial...

Indulge me, I ask one...simple...basic....question of you.

Where, exactly...IS  the line?

If one, in fact, even exists in your consciousness anymore?

Exactly what would it take...for you to be concerned, distressed, offended, appalled, horrified enough to actually take show any sign of moral courage and, publicly.... a political....personal....

...Jean-Luc Picard....

"..this farther..."

Who would have to be "the nominee of your party" before you showed even a smidge of actual spine by taking a stand in the name of decency.

Who would have to be "the nominee of your party" before you put an end to your pathetic pandering pretending and actually...sincerely....truthfully....and absolutely, unconditionally....

...put the well an entire nation....

...above your "party"?


Nathan Bedford Forrest...the Confederate General who massacred a garrison of black Union troops after they surrendered in 1864?


Joseph McCarthy...the Wisconsin Senator who in the 1950's massacred hundreds, if not thousands, of American futures with his political persecution, paranoia and much so that his name has since those days become synonymous with brutally merciless behavior..."McCarthyism"?


Eugene "Bull" Connor...the Birmingham, Alabama sheriff who fought civil rights in the 1960's by turning law enforcement loose to both engage in beatings without restraint and free vicious dogs to maim, even kill, without a second thought?


Jeffrey Dahmer....who never met anyone he couldn't turn into a hearty meal?


How about the aforementioned, notorious, now mercifully dead O.J. Simpson...who with the exception of several very angry black jury members, had everyone on the planet convinced that he had viciously slashed two people to death for no other reason than he had been denied what he wanted whenever he wanted it?

Would any of those infamous "Americans" be the straw that not only broke the camel's back but resulted in the GOP elephant being woken the fuck up enough to say, without irony or sadistic humor, ""?

Fess up, fellas.

There is no line.

That's the new reality.

Brutally exterminating the old, tired reality.

 " “detached from reality"... 

You know. That illiterate sociopath who....

 "...cared only about one thing: himself.”

Speaking of Nazis, a Grammar Nazi is required here.

"cared" needs to be corrected to "cares"


“Country and principle took second place"

Yeah...that needs to be "takes".

As in "the new Gospel according to MAGA"

Espoused by the unconditionally loyal disciples.


And Bill.

A long time ago, in a democracy far, far away....

Relatively honorable and skillful silver tongued orators.

Who have put honorable in dry dock.

And 'downgraded'...

From 'silver'.... orange.