Friday, November 8, 2024

You Won The Battle...Here's How To Prevent The War


So, here's the thing.

Did you help put Trump back in the White House?

If so, a lot of people are pretty pissed off about it.

A lot of millions of people, as a matter of fact.

And, as should go without saying, if they're pissed off about it, "it" being voting for Trump, and you're someone who cast one of those votes, then unavoidable math dictates...

                                                                                                Is Civil War Coming to America? - The ...

...that millions of people are pissed off at you.

Okay, first...don't bother offering up what you're already thinking and/or getting ready to post.

You couldn't care less about anybody being pissed off at you.

Yeah, yeah, yada yada/

Just for a second, close your eyes and picture your boy's voice as he uses the word he became famous for during his debates with Hillary oh so long ago.


Face up and fess up.

Nobody wants to willingly go through this already difficult life with millions of people pissed off at them.

Only really, really....really... stupid people would be that arrogant....or impractical...or...

..oh, come on, you know the word...and I know the word....


Well, this is your lucky day.

I've got a pretty much sure fire way to minimize, if not pare down to zip zero nada, the number of those who would like to see you miserable for the rest of every day you remain alive on this planet if at all possible.

Back to that in a minute.

Before that, I need to offer up some things that are going to surprise you.

First, the Democrats have no one to blame for the outcome of the election but themselves.

The Democratic Party, to be precisely accurate.

Because I'm a Democrat and I knew a mere couple of weeks into the admittedly short Harris campaign that Kamala was going to need to rename her proposed "Ship of State" by another well known nautical designation.


But nobody from the campaign staff gave me a shout out asking for advice. So...

Their loss.


Had they made that call, I would have told them that after the energy and, admitted, excitement of the Convention with all the "new day" and "not going back" and "turn the page" hoo rahhs, the Vice President came to a critically important fork in the campaign trail that required making a critically important choice.

Cue that adorable old "knight" dude found by Indiana Jones to be guarding the Holy Grail in "...and the Last Crusade".

She chose...poorly.

Instead of pounding out and sharing some inspiring, energizing, chock full of hope and promise specifics that the voting masses could look forward to seeing on the "next" page after that current page was "turned"....

...she chose to head down the road not even close to less traveled.

And what those voting masses heard...all those voting masses heard..... was a hundred days, give or take, of just another voice passionately informing us what a ", lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is..."

Holy shit...all that was missing was the Tylenol.

The politically strategic error here, of course, being that everybody...e v e r y b o d y....on the planet Earth (and most likely in the known and unknown universe) A L R E A D Y   K N O W S  what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is!

So, come Election Day...

The voting majority went with the devil they know.

Because he promised a dozen eggs will be cheaper momentito.

And those pesky, nasty, smelly, every color but white immigrants...sorry, that pesky bunch of "poison in the national blood stream"....yeah, butt loads of "them that ain't from around here" are already being designated to become boat loads of those "tired, poor, huddled masses" we learned about in grade school. You know...those "breathe free" yearners like it says on that plaque at the foot of the Statue of Liberty.

Of course, Lady Liberty is gonna be in their rear view this go round.

But, hey, a dozen eggs are gonna be cheaper momentito.

So fuck 'em.



Goddam right, that's right!

Cue Samuel L. Jackson...


So there will be no blame game here.

The Democrats blew it.

Trump was the beneficiary of the blow.

Something he's been all of his adult life.

(Wink, wink, know what I mean, know what I mean?)

Meanwhile, about those millions of people pissed at you.

And hoping you get scurvy or, even worse, tied to a chair with an IMax sized flat screen playing "The View" in an endless loop.

Here's all you need to do...and not do.

And the first of these is really the key to all of it.






Beginning with holding him liable.

And responsible.

And accountable.

For those grievous, blatant, outrageous behaviors that you have allowed, endorsed, encouraged, even rewarded since the day he came comically down that golden escalator as if the second floor of the gaudy, tacky, tasteless second floor of Trump Tower was Mount Olympus.

Starting with the insulting, denigrating, sexist, racist, profane, obscene, even criminal social media posts that you damn well know are insulting, denigrating, sexist, racist, profane and even criminal.

You want him to be honored with the office of President of the United States?

Then JOIN US in demanding that he ACT like a goddam President of the United States.

Stop making excuses for him when he lies, bloviates, exaggerates, just plain makes shit up as he goes and you damn well know that he is lying and bloviating and exaggerating and just plain making shit        up as he goes. Stop writing it off to "oh, he's just talking"....Stop telling us "oh, pish, what he really means is..."

And here's one that really lights our fuses....

"We don't care what he says...we care what he does".

Words matter. And words from a President matter a lot.


You want to honor him with the office of President of the United States?

And you want US to honor him AS President of the United States?


And let him know that he is not above the law....that he is subject to the same laws and the primary rule of you...and me...and E V E R Y O N E who lives in the United States of America.

He will, for the second time, SWEAR an OATH to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"

Nowhere in that oath is there a sentence that reads "you know, unless I feel like blowing it off and doing or saying whatever I'm in a royal mood to do or say"

HIS job is to honor the law and the Constitution.

YOUR to see that he does.

Because....and here's the hard rock, deal breaker bottom line.

He is not a royal ascending to the throne by right of birth and power of tradition.

He is not God sent or the chosen one....or even the real Neo....

And that "genuflect, bow and scrape, worship his Orange Majesty" shit?

Seriously. You are embarrassing yourself to a degree you can't begin to imagine.

He is a servant of the people.

"WE, the people"

Not just me. Not just you. Not just those who hang adoringly on his every word... grasp the hem of his garment or wash his feet...

All of the people. All of the time.


Not born of a virgin.


Hired help.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Subject to scrutiny and examination and performance assessment.

And expected to maintain a certain, and high, level of accomplishment...

...and P R O F E S S I O N A L I S M.

You want millions to shut the fuck up and let him be THE President.

Then stop encouraging him and enabling him to be YOUR President.

Do that.

And hold him to the standards the office deserves.

And see the miracle of millions of us cooling our jets, putting out our torches and...wait for it...possibly even seeing things the way you see them.

We're not stupid, either.

We're just never going to settle for a clown in a king suit. (or an Emperor's blinding lack of apparel).

When our founders gave us a President to serve.

Not dictate.


He can be a blowhard, pampered, spoiled, indulged, enabled cartoon character, con man/hustler, TV reality show host, pussy grabbing, law breaking, tweet trash spewing low life masquerading as a "leader".

Or he can be the President of the United States.

He doesn't get to be both.


That right there.

It insults our fucking intelligence.

And is what really, really....really...pisses us off.

Millions of us.

A lot of millions of us.

You want us to honor the office and the man in it?

Him first.

Then you.

We'll be right there when you do.















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