Not a week goes by, in print, online or on air, without the ugly paralleling of Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump rising up like an ominous Wack-A-Mole.
Most recently, filmmaker Michael Moore has pulled the tyrant trigger by predicting that the next major terrorist attack on America will be utilized by Trump to incite and inflame a lynch mob mentality among the Red State wanna be revolutionaries who are, satirically, if not affectionately, referred to, often, as mouth breathers, in much the same way that Hitler saw, and seized, the opportunity to parlay the Reichstag fire into a political and, ultimately, despotic windfall.
For those who prefer to increase their education via WeTV's Braxton Family Values as opposed to The History Channel's life lessons, here's a brief blazing backstory.
The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building (home of the German parliament) in Berlin on 27 February 1933. The Nazis stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a young Dutch council communist, had been caught at the scene of the fire, and he was arrested for the crime. Van der Lubbe was an unemployed bricklayer who had recently arrived in Germany. The Nazis stated that van der Lubbe had declared that he had started the fire. Van der Lubbe was tried and sentenced to death. The fire was used as evidence by the Nazi Party that communists were plotting against the German government. The event is seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.
Adolf Hitler, who had been sworn in as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January, urged President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and pursue a "ruthless confrontation" with the Communist Party of Germany. After passing the decree, the government instituted mass arrests of communists, including all of the Communist Party parliamentary delegates.
With their bitter rival communists gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from being a plurality party to the majority, thus enabling Hitler to consolidate his power.
The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains an ongoing topic of debate and research. Historians disagree as to whether van der Lubbe acted alone, as he said, to protest the condition of the German working class. The Nazis accused the Comintern of the act. Some historians endorse the theory, proposed by the Communist Party, that the arson was planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation.
Okay. Now, substitute Trump for Hitler, Muslims for Communists and whatever devastation is to occur with the fire that burned then and you have the blueprint for yet another comparison/parallel between the author of Mein Kampf and the author of Art Of The Deal.
Oh. Wait. Sorry. Apologies to the author of The Art Of The Deal. He has nothing to do with any possible Hitler-esque shenanigans. All he did was write a book for which Donald took credit.
While the inevitable, and relatively frequent, comparisons between the dictator with a goofy mustache and the dick with a goofy hairdo seem to make sense on a superficial level, they simply don't ring true or logical when subjected to a little good old fashioned strict scrutiny.
Hitler was a psychopath. And complete with every home edition of the Psychopathy Game comes an unfailing belief and/or confidence that every plan planned and move made is for the greater good and infallible, no matter how lip smacking un-good and/or irrefutably fallible they might appear to the more reasonable, read, sane, brain.
And as tempting, emotionally, and seemingly insightful, intellectually, as it is to paint Trump with that same batty bonkers brush, the reality that cannot be rejected is that he simply doesn't qualify.
If it please the court of public opinion....
- Trump pledged to "drain the swamp" of the traditional gang of usual suspects---his cabinet and sycophants are primarily Wall Street alumni, Bush era officials and fellow rich bitches.
- He pledged there was going to be a wall...and Mexico was going to pay for it---there is no wall, there will likely never be a wall and Trump has shown his inability to wheel and deal at any level above closing a deal on a golf course by repeatedly backing off from any wall deal any and every time Congress tells him it ain't gonna happen and/or Mexico tells him "fuck off, El Presidente".
- He pledged an immediate repeal and replacement of Obamacare with "low priced insurance for everybody". So, how's that wonderful new insurance workin' for you and your family, huh?
- He pledged to "get tough with and/or on China. Since the Chinese Prez visited Donald at the luxurious Florida golf resort whose mortgage you and I are now paying, there's no Coco? no Coco....and no tough on China, either.
- He pledged to save the coal industry. Even many of his top supporters know now, as they knew then, that promise was bullshit with capital B and that rhymes with C and that stands for Coal? we can't save no stinking jobs in coal...
- He pledged to put America first and let the Middle East, for one, handle their own problems. Four words, so far, Benjamin. Syria. Afghanistan. North. Korea.
- He pledged to "not be a President who takes vacations". Since Jan 20, 30% of his term has been spent at that luxurious Florida golf resort whose mortgage you and I are now paying. 30% of a year would be approximately 17 weeks. What are you planning to do with your 17 weeks of vacation?
- He pledged to sue those he called "liars" after Pussygrabbinggate hit the video market during the campaign. At this moment, not a single legal action.
- And just in the last week, his "tax reform" plan is being called "not even close" to any kind of tax reform by his own party leaders and benefits, primarily...wait for it....the rich...and corporations who will see their tax rates slashed......AND after having yet another court block one of his "rulings", in this case, the sanctuary city issue, he is quoted as saying that he is "definitely looking at 'breaking up' the 9th District Court. Because, of course, this court has ruled against him in some, well, in any, way.
The list, like the first 100 days that have passed like molasses through a garden hose, just goes on and on.
And the faithful, read: those who lack a comprehensive understanding of the geopolitical landscape and/or need a calculator to add single digit numbers, will balk, bitch, bluster and blow hard at any aspersion cast in the direction of their hysterically coiffed hero.
Spare me.
Cause I'm actually givin' your boy some backup here.
Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler.
Donald Trump is not anything even remotely close to Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler was a mastermind. An evil, vicious, even Satanic mastermind, but a mastermind, nevertheless.
Donald Trump, meanwhile, has turned out to be nothing more, or less, than just another lying politician.
And here's the real insult to all of us.
He's not even particularly good at that.
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