Sunday, July 9, 2017
"...Seriously, Stop Trying To Lower The Damn River.....Raise The Bridge..."
It is, admittedly, one of the more difficult self admissions to make.
Took me six full months, give or take.
Millions are still struggling with it, perhaps getting this close and then losing ground, falling back into bad habits, returning to the struggle.
Accomplishment, though, remains both beneficial and necessary.
More on that shortly.
Social media, conventional news sources and generic backyard fence gossipers went borderline ballistic over the weekend when Donald Trump had to step out of one of the meetings at the G2 summit in Hamburg and stepping up to have a seat in his place was his director of the Department of Assorted First Ladies, daughter Ivanka.
For those unfamiliar with the Trump family paradigm, Ivanka is the daughter from Trump's marriage to his first wife, Ivana, a wife and mother herself and, of course, a debatably successful dress and/or shoe entrepreneur.
Not to mention, of course, her heretofore unknown resume' mentions of geopolitical, socioeconomic and global diplomacy expertise.
And for those whose awareness comes mostly from E!TV and/or TMZ, Ivanka is the daughter who, according to Donald, were she not Donald's daughter, Donald would probably be dating.
Oh...that Ivanka. Yes, that Ivanka.
International perspicacity and/or incestuous potential aside, when it comes to the list of those who wield a considerable amount of influence and power in Trump's inner circle, Ivanka clearly has a seat at the table.
And Saturday, she clearly had a seat at the table.
The predictable brouhaha sparked by her sitting at the grown up table in Germany was, obviously, predictable. And the squawks, slams, screams, shouts and saying of neighs were shots heard round the world.
But let's put a pin in righteous indignation for a few minutes and talk about wasted ammunition.
German chancellor Angela Merkel, whose disdain, displeasure and, let's face it from the look on her face most of the time, contempt for Donald is probably sufficient to qualify her for immediate membership in the Democratic Party was actually among those who came to Ivanka's defense regarding Tablegate.
Merkel, who served as the host leader of this year's summit, said at a news conference that it was up to individual nations to decide who represents them, Bloomberg reported.
"The delegations themselves decide, should the president not be present for a meeting, who will then take over and sit in the chair,” Merkel said, according to the report.
“Ivanka Trump was part and parcel of the American delegation so that is something that other delegations also do. It’s very well known that she works at the White House and is also engaged in certain initiatives.”
And, in fairness, it should be noted that no major decisions were made, policies enacted or firm commitments as to international treaties, where to have lunch or what countries Russia should resist annexing next while Ivanka took part, so, no worries on the future of mankind front, anyway.
I mean, it's not like some political dilettante with nothing more than a staggeringly over inflated sense of self worth and a less than Rhodes Scholar fan base to offer up as proof of savvy was joining a meeting of experienced, mature, responsible and principled world leaders.
Like I said, the dilettante had stepped out for a few minutes, so Ivanka stepped up.
Try and keep up.
Here's this not so subtle snarkers two cents re' Angela's analysis.
Yeah, what she said.
The problem with the continued instant, hair trigger pulling at any and everything that can or, even under the thinnest of circumstances, might be construed as a Trumpian faux pas/fuck up is that the continued, hair trigger pulling muddies the waters of wisdom with a whole lot of a contemporary spin on that oldie but goodie, "crying wolf."
And shots, like those, fired across Trump's bow, or even directly at his bow, constitute wasted ammunition because they don't inflict any kind of wound on the intended target and, like one of those sci-fi creatures who absorb the weapon's energy and grow stronger as a result, this ceaseless sniping just fires up the faithful, further empowering the Unpresident.
Not to mention a muzzle flash that inevitably blinds the shooter to the real threat.
The problem, there, Quick Draw, isn't Ivanka sitting at some round table.
The problem is Daddy sitting behind that Oval Office desk.
But, here's the more practical, seems to get lost point in this flurry of not so friendly fire. I offered this up yesterday when posting a link to, and commenting on, the "breaking news" of Ivanka seemingly driving while Donald dallied.
To those bunged about this or any thing else Trump says or does, GIVE IT UP..HE DOESNT CARE!!!.....and as long as his adoring groupies show up at the love rallies, HE WONT CARE !....and all of this hand wringing and whining is waste of time...get busy looking for and getting behind the next, fresh face who can send this clown packing as soon as Electorally possible..
For those inclined to snort or sniffle derisively, by the way, at the use of capital letters in social media posts (it is considered the textual version of yelling pretty loudly), I'd offer that until Facebook gives me the option to italicize or underline within a post, capital letters are the only option when it comes to adding passion or urgency to this or that part of any point being made.
Meanwhile, back to the point.
I said, at the outset, that there exists a very difficult admission many of us are faced with making. It was, in fact, precisely those "many of us" I was addressing in that capital letter sprinkled post yesterday.
And here's what needs to be swallowed, with a little splash of savvy and even a tiny twist of irony to add a little fun to the flavor.
Trump zealots (and let's just cut the crap...those still supporting this guy by this point have long ago mutated from followers, fans or even, just, supporters) have been doing their own more than fair share of pissing and moaning for nigh on a year now as to why those of us who refuse to accept that Donald is President... refuse to accept that Donald is President.
The reasons why, at least to our way of thinking, are obvious, numerous, egregious...and absolutely useless.
Because Donald is Donald, has always been Donald, shall always be Donald and neither heaven, Earth, nor any voice coming out of any mouth in existence that isn't the voice coming out of Donald's mouth is going to have the slightest effect on anything that he says or does or has yet to say or do.
And while the Samantha Bees and John Olivers and Trevor Noahs and Bill Mahers and Stephen Colberts are, depending on personal taste, all very adept at pillaging and sacking and skewering the Von Trump family singers, they are all, to a pundit, preaching to their own choirs. Inspiring the already inspired. Rallying the already rallied. Telling those who don't need to be told what they know that which they already know and dont need to be told.
Kind of like the way Donald talks to his peeps at those aformentioned love rallies.
Meanwhile, Rome burns while we fiddle with our respective favorite diddling.
So, you see, Trump zealots? You've been asking all along why we don't get it.
Well, this guy gets it.
Except, of course, that we've both been guilty of misguided effort.
Because I'm now giving the right answer.
But you've been asking the wrong question.
You're asking "why don't you accept that Donald Trump is our President?"
When what you really mean, by the question, is "when are you going to embrace and support Donald Trump as our President?"
The answer to that one hasn't changed a lick in pert near a year now.
Oh....and this blog site offers up the option to italicize and underline.
They just don't convey the passion or urgency of the point I'm making.
I admit that he is the President.
Putting any effort into anything other than getting him out of there, meanwhile, isn't on the table.
No matter which of the Trumps is sitting there.
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