Saturday, May 5, 2018

"Dodo Birds, 8 Track Tape and Truth---Name Three Things That Are Extinct"

Jumping off a bridge has become a way of life, these days.

And if you haven't done it personally, or know someone who has done it, you have certainly seen it happen.

Probably already today.

Last week, comedian/cable commentary host Bill Maher, in the midst of a conversation with his panelists regarding accountability, or, more accurately, the lack there of, in current American politics, offered a cut down to the bone observation that should be immediately printed on as many bumper stickers, T shirts, key chains and refrigerator magnets as humanly possible.

"Lying must be made punishable again."

He went on, for a moment or two, on the social phenomenon that has rendered facts, irrefutable truth about...well, about pretty much anything and/or everything, a non-entity. Or, at best, only one of a number of factors that might (emphasis on the word "might") be taken into consideration when determining an outcome, rendering a judgement or, simply, owning up to an action or behavior.

Put simply...what it no longer automatically what it is. 

Historians, sociologists, psychologists, behaviorists and late night comedy writers will, for years to come, ponder, probe and postulate on the how and why when it comes to the demotion of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

For now, the rest of us are left to deal with the "what". The rest of us, that is, that makes up those who still understand and accept the difference, no matter how subtle or nuanced, between opinion and fact, sentiment and fact, theory and fact and, most importantly, belief and fact. 

And, as with so many other kinks in the garden hose of humanity these days, eyes and ears, inevitably, if not first and foremostly, turn to the current inhabitant of the Oval Office.

Given, though, the slippery slope that exists in discussion, conversation, even one on one dialogue in the current climate and the seemingly more frequent fall into the truth, the whole truth, the partial truth, the alternate truth, and, in fact, nothing even remotely close to the actual truth, it becomes useful to keep the wordplay minimalist.

So, let's do that.

Donald Trump is a liar.

He lies daily, if not hourly, he lies on any and all subjects, he lies on any and all details remotely associated with any and all subjects, he lies about Obamacare, he lies, you get a wall, oh, where?, he lies about a porn star pay, he lies each minute of the day, he lies when he gets in a jam, he'd lie about green eggs and ham.

But, Seuessian satire aside, there's a far deeper cancer alive and growing in the lymph nodes and brain cells of the body American.

He lies without accountability.
He lies without consequence.
He lies without retribution.
He lies without being held responsible for the lies he tells.

And, in far too many mouths, from sea to shining sea, these four words come spewing forth as though they were the no fault rationalization for every single word of deceit, dishonesty, disrespect, denigration and destructive demagoguery that Donald spews, taunts and tweets with each ticking of the countdown to the next election day clock.

"Politicians...they all do it."

Well, then, we just need to go about our business.
And pay no attention to the hourly words of deceit, dishonesty, disrespect, denigration and destructive demagoguery being spewed, taunted and tweeted by the President of the United States.

You know what?
Scratch that.
And you know what else?
If you were nodding your head just now when I said we just need to go about our business?
Fuck you.

Because your enabling this liar is, bet the bar exam I could easily get a jury to convict you and lock you up, committing the crime of accessory after the fact in all of his lies.

And for that, you get no pass.
You get no slack.
You get no "oh, well, I guess you're entitled to your opinion."

Here's what you get.
And if those of us who still understand and accept the difference between opinion and fact, sentiment and fact, theory and fact...and belief and fact can find a way, we'll do everything we can to see that you never get to vote for anything ever again.

Because saying "everybody does it" makes you, at the very least, irresponsible.
And that makes you reckless.
And that makes you dangerous.

As dangerous as jumping off a bridge.

You know, the way your mama used to give you that verbal smack up side the head?

"Well, now, if Johnny jumped off a bridge, would you jump, too?

A beyond stupid thing to do.

A beyond stupid thing to do that has somehow become a way of life these days.

And here's the really stupid part....

Apparently, it has something to do with this con some guy is pulling.

Some guy who has a whole lot of really not all that bright people conned into believing that it's part of what's involved in making America great.

Wouldn't your mother be proud of you for falling for something that ridiculous?

Assuming, of course, your mother doesn't own a red cap.

Oh....and, by the way, as to my harsh language and admittedly insulting comments there a minute or so ago.

An apology is called for.

Not gonna happen.

Allow me to explain where that language and attitude comes from.

"Anti Trump-sters.....we all do it."

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