Saturday, October 6, 2018

It Is What It Is, No Matter What It Is You Want It To Be

Let me share with you a simple, succinct pearl of wisdom and insight from one of history's most renowned and respected political analysts.

"Morality is the basis of things...and truth is the substance of all morality."

Truth been takin' a beatin' the last cuppla years.

Maybe not so much a knockin' as a neglectin'.

As if it were a Sony Beta-max, at one time, every body had it, wanted it, relied on it, trusted it, believed in it because it was reliable, dependable. a workhorse of a thing that has, all of a sudden, been treated like it just doesn't matter anymore.

Cue Kellyanne Conway. And Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And Mike Pence. And Lindsey Graham and all the other sycophantic servants in the palace guard. 

And anyone, and everyone, else who hears the truth and dismisses the truth as if the "alternative fact" or "optional outcome" or any other of the half dozen new era nicknames for good old fashioned, garden variety bullshit were a shiny, state of the art, Dolby Surround sound Blu Ray player.

And the truth?.....well, the truth was just a....say it with me......Beta-max.

The inanity, cruising right on up, ever so nonchalantly, up to, over and past the line into insanity of what's going on here in the land of the free, home of the brave, white radical Christian conservative edition these days has, in very large part, very largely to do with the treatment the truth has been getting.

Here's another chestnut dealing with and defining truth.

The truth is the truth even if no one believes it. And a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.

Here's the thing, though.

The current palace guard, following the example set in stone by their man/child king, religiously adheres to a more build-it-yourself model when it comes to dealing with fact and fiction.

"The truth is what we say the truth is on any given day at any given time depending on what we decide we need the truth to be."

Ordinarily, that kind of moronic bonehead babbling would be walked right by on any street, USA, kinda the same way we deal with those guys in the tinfoil hats who yell out "the end is near" as we pass.

But, ain't nothin' much goin on in the way of ordinarily, these days in the land of the free, home of the brave, white radical Christian conservative edition.

And normal? Normal is only one of two things these days.

A setting on your dryer.

Acknowledgment that your body temperature is a not to worry 98.6.

The truth, at least acknowledgement of it, is as far from being normal as are the chances that the man/child king will step up to the podium at one of those "I love how you love me" hand-job festivals and...well....speak a truth. Any truth.

Here's a truth.

“You know my friends, there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled by the iron feet of oppression. There comes a time my friends, when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation, where they experience the bleakness of nagging despair. There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life's July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an alpine November. There comes a time.”

Now the sycophantic soldiers in the palace guard and the assorted hopeful, desperate followers of the man/child king would be (perhaps, even, at this very moment, are) inclined to give a rousing roar of approval to that eloquence of time and tired.

Two reasons that's not really gonna happen amongst those faithful.

First, that eloquence comes from a speech given in 1955 by a pioneer of human dignity and values and truth.....and someone that the followers of the man/child king do not, bet the farm, have high on their list of most admired.

Martin Luther King.

Oh. Sudden quiet in the rally hall. Well, nice words and all. But wrong color, don't ya know.

Skin pigmentation notwithstanding, there's something both intellectually and soulfully resonating about the thematic running through Dr. King's words.

Comes a time.

And while the "love me" rally attendees would, in the best tradition of their hero, likely shove their way to the front of the line to chime in, assuming, of course, that the "tired of" this and "tired of" thats I'm heading into here have anything and everything to do with their own annoyingly off-key renditions of "Poor Poor Pitiful Me", fact is....not so much.

Where we're headed, for the moment here, isn't about their "anger and frustration" isn't about their resentment at "not having their voices heard". It isn't about their hatred for libtards or sno-flakes or towelheads or spics or kikes or even, and here's an adjective from the oldies but goodies stack, in niggers.

Like Martin Luther King.

Y'all need to put your misspelled "Rather Be Russian Than Democrat" signs down, push your, by now, worn and frayed red MAGA caps and/or well worn white hoods back on y'all's heads and listen up. Or, if that's simply not a skill-set you've ever possessed, let alone used, then just help a fellow white boy out here and hush up for couple of minutes.

Comes a time.

Comes a time when truth, like cream, rises up no matter how much you deny it, avoid it, mock it, ridicule it or just plain ignore it.

And just so we're crystal clear here or, more to the point, just so things are as plain as black and white, let me run your little four wheeler of push back right off'n the road and into the ditch where it belongs.

Like I said at the outset, the truth is the truth even if no one believes it. And, to that, let's add this:

The truth is the truth because it is. Not because I say it is.

Which, as you'll hear now, is the point.

The sun doesn't rise in the morning and set in the evening because I say it does. It rises and sets because it does.

The sound of a beautiful melody doesn't stir something inside of us because I say it does. It stirs us because it does.

The sound of gunfire in a school hallway isn't obscene and unforgivable because I say it is. It just is.

The intentional mocking and ridiculing of people to get other people to applaud and cheer isn't cheap and offensive because I say it is. It's just wrong.

The tearing apart of families under any circumstance isn't inhumane because I say it is. It just is.

The caging of children isn't beyond unacceptable because I say it is. It just is.

Letting fear and ignorance and hatred and bigotry and prejudice determine how we treat others isn't cowardly because I say so. It just is.

Turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to any assault on human decency isn't a crime against humanity because of what I say. It simply is.

Even worse...defending, supporting, endorsing, even taking part in those assaults isn't immoral because I say it is.

"Morality is the basis of things....and truth is the substance of all morality..."

A simple, succinct pearl of wisdom and insight from one of history's most renowned and respected political analysts.

Mahatma Gandhi.


I lied about the political analyst thing.

And it was wrong to lie.

Not because I say it is. just is.

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