Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Revolution To Acquire Matches Suddenly Seems Ill Advised In The Bright Light Of The House Burning Down...

Four commonly heard words of wisdom...

...and warning.

Be careful what you wish for.

Some say "ask" as opposed to "wish" but a wish is an ask and an ask is a wish, so potato, patahto.

There's one more version of that baleful bromide worthy of mention, though.

Actually, more of an upgrade, of sorts.

I'll boot it up for you in just a few.

Mueller Report done and done.

Officially, no collusion.   

Without a doubt, reasonable or otherwise. For sure. For certain.

For always.

For the moment.

Cable news, talk radio and various and sundry water coolers are going to be clogged like the 405 at rush hour for the next few days/weeks with the yammer yammer, yada yada, blah blah blah that has pretty much sent reasonable, insightful and limited discussion into the retirement home in recent years.

So there will be none of that packing peanut prattling here.

What we got here....is concise to communicate.

Once again, Uncle Sam has taken a knee to the nuts.

Every, and all of, anybody who stood in opposition to Donald Trump two seconds before the release of Mueller's report, stood firm, fast, probably even firmer two seconds after the release of Mueller's report.

Every, and all of, anybody who loves them some Donald will let their love flow / like a mountain stream / as their love grows / with the grandest of dreams.

The dream, of course, being the mistaken, but kinda sad, almost in a Hallmark Channel movie kind of way, that now that Trump has been visited by the archangels Repudiation, Exoneration and Validation, their hero will finally wave his magic Donnywand and, presto!

The wall, baby.

The magic elixir that will cure the nation's ills. Win the battle for truth, justice and the American way. Keep them damn foreigners out of our great country, keep the neighbor's kids in their own damn yards and keep us irrefutably, irrevocably and indestructibly on the sunny side of life.

Okay, first, as they say in the scuba diving business, don't hold your breath.

As ramped up as the faithful are going to be about the sure to be egregiously exaggerated "victory" here, the opposition is going to ramp up that much and then some in their determination to bring this little quirky chapter of history called a "presidency" to a conclusion as soon as humanly possible.

Or sooner.

Or inhumanly.

Whatever it takes.

Ain't no mountain high enough.

You know. Like that.

Cue Billy Joel.

And so it goes.

Here, meanwhile, is where the plot twists in a way that even Chubby Checker couldn't fathom that magical June, July and August what now seems like so long ago.

Give a mouse a cookie. It'll expect a glass of milk.

Give a narcissist even a hint of encouragement. And he, or she, will be emboldened in a way that makes tenfold seem like no fold at all.

Doesn't matter that there are still ongoing Trump investigations in places where most people ain't even got places.

Doesn't matter that the hatred this guy brings on himself is of an unprecedented, even historic, intensity that, literally, millions of people want to see him go down....just to see him go down.

Old saying in the sales business.

Anything but a no....is still a yes.

In the world where Donald Trump lives, anything but officially being pronounced dead by a qualified physician....is a free pass, blank check to live to fight another day.

And in the world where Donald Trump lives, fighting another day means "another day to do what I want, say what I want, be who I want" while continuing to be loved, adored, worshiped, praised, exalted and celebrated.

Like a modern day Caesar.

Yeah, I know. But, frankly, the whole Hitler metaphor has gotten tiring.

When it comes to maniacal despots with delusions of grandeur and a psychotic predisposition to literally exterminate his opposition, Hitler is, at least in terms of clinical definition, one of the top two or three in recorded history.

Donald wouldn't even make it into a first bracket.

All of that notwithstanding, though, Mr. Complete EXONERATION (yeah, that's gonna be capitalized a lot in the ol tweets for a while, so we may as well get used to it) Mr. Complete X-O is going to double clutch, drop into third and floor that motherfucker.

Right into history. Or off a cliff.

Or, very possibly, right into a wall.

Which, in the category of just desserts, is just desserts for the millions who took the bait, bit the hook, bought the scam, stocked up on the Kool Aid.

Time to re-boot that cautionary we contemplated at the beginning of our time together today.

Presenting Caveat 2.0

Be careful who you vote for.

Because you just might get your wish. Or what you ask for.

Or what you deserve.

For putting a guy behind the wheel who might drive you all right into history.

Or off a cliff.

Or, very probably....

...right into a wall.

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