Sunday, August 27, 2017

"...Yes, Virginia, It Is Possible For Someone To Continue Driving A Car That's Going Absolutely Nowhere..."

Of all the transgressions to be eventually filed under Trump, there is one to be stamped "above all".

That which is to be so designated due shortly.


The pattern is so clear, recognizable and inevitable that a second grader could predict its repeated occurrence.

A critique or, God forbid, criticism of any thought, word or deed generating from the pathetically sad "on high" that is the earthly existence of Donald Trump results, almost instantaneously, most certainly without fail, in the following comically tragic perversion we'll comically, and tragically, refer to as DonaldDefCon.

  • the "critic" is immediately moved to the head of the very long line of those who stubbornly refuse the honor of membership in the O Come Let Us Adore Him Club
  • first place in that line entitles the "critic" to be the front and center focus of the man/baby's retribution.
  • said retribution, almost exclusively, most certainly without fail, in the form of what the man/baby has trademarked as "modern day Presidential", the Tweet.
  • said tweet always, and without fail, in the form of infantile snarks and snides, juvenile low blows that make the schoolyard bully seem like Lincoln at Gettysburg, petty, petulant tantrums of 140 characters or less, acerbic, acidic but ever and always erudite, eloquent and most deserved in the mind of the man/baby while certainly, even screamingly, infantile, and did we mention pathetic?... to anyone blessed with a maturity level exceeding that of a healthy toddler.
  • sycophants, loyalists, apologists and/or giddy members of the aforementioned OCLUAHC get all giddy and shit while those blessed with a maturity level exceeding that of a healthy toddler continue quietly making plans to smash the Electoral College into such minute shards that never again, in the course of human events, will a pathetically sad man/baby be allowed to get within a thousand miles of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

The current recipient of a Tweeted Tantrump is Bob Corker, the Republican Senator from Tennessee.

Last week Corker poked the man/baby with a stick by having the audacity to suggest that the only thing that Trump had succeeded at, thus far, in his presidency was putzing up his presidency.

Corker said last week he fears that the nation will be in peril unless Trump makes radical changes at the White House.

“He also recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation,” Corker told reporters following his luncheon address. “He has not demonstrated that he understands what has made this nation great and what it is today. And he’s got to demonstrate the characteristics of a president who understands that.”

 Well, hell, it's easy to understand why the man/baby would get his Pampers in a twist over that outrageous observation.

"He's got to do better" is how Corker's insubordination of the imperial shakes out.

I mean, the nerve, right?

Corker's comments are, of course, grains of sand on the beach at a time when that aforementioned healthy toddler is aware of the incompetence on display 24/7 in this "modern day presidency".

And the list of Trumpian transgressions reads longer than a kid's Christmas wish list in this era of Kardashian-esque self obsession and absorption.

But there is that one "above all" mentioned earlier.

And that one shakes out like this.

By insisting upon always opting for lowering the river as opposed to raising the bridge, by raising the bar of presidential performance, Trump has put a dent in the prestige, not to mention well being, of America that even a five star rated body shop will be years in pounding out.

He is a petty man. And he has brought his pettiness and petulance and elementary school vocabulary and grammar and manners into a sacred office and splashed them all over the walls of that office, like a crazed kid having a grape juice slinging hissy fit over this or that other kid being"mean to him".

And it makes no difference whether that 'other kid" is an average citizen who doesn't support him, a member of his own party who dares suggest he might be flawed in some way or the leader of another nation, any nation, in the global community of 2017, leaders who have made it clear as Ivanka brand crystal that they have no use, time, patience with or intention of treating this man/baby with anything other than token tolerance until he goes away, this man/baby who sees the entire world as his wall and is ever ready with a Sharpie in each hand to draw and color and smear and mark as he damn well pleases.

Whenever he damn well pleases.

And defacing the den, even fucking up the furniture still isn't the worst of it.

Because Donald Trump won't be able to live up to his first, and primary, promise.

The one on the cap.

He won't be able to make America great again.

Because in order to do that, you've got to be the kind of president he is simply, psychologically, incapable of being.

And, the worst of it?

Above all?

He has made the Presidency of the United States irrelevant.

How long he remains in office is up to the fates and powers that be.

So, to all the members of the OCLUAHC tuning in, let me comfort you.

And clue you.

He may be in office for quite a while to come.

But this over.

And that's comically tragic.

Above all.

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