Sunday, February 18, 2018

Can't Stand Much More Of America Being Made Great Again

Let's see…a 71 year old white man from Selma, Alabama named Jefferson Beauregard Sessions seems to imply, in a speech, that law enforcement should be primarily white and there's shock and disbelief. Up next: a nation stunned as a leopard reveals its spots..

Coal workers still not being provided the jobs that were promised, take heart.... starting to look like each and every one of you will have a shot at being either WH Chief of Staff or director of the FBI sooner or later......

…interesting insight in a JFK bio I'm going through researching another book.....

".... Kennedy understood that it was the people in a country that mattered. Governments come and go, but the people of a country are its heart and soul and mind and showing them dignity and respect and concern makes all the difference when it comes to being respected in return. It was that wisdom that made him globally appreciated and respected and accounts for the massive outpouring of both affection and grief that occurred all over the world when he was assassinated."

Donald could benefit from taking a few minutes to read this particular know, if he ever read anything......or, you know, if he could actually read......

66 programs to be eliminated in the proposed Trump budget...trimming waste is one thing...arbitrarily shutting down beneficial programs out of pettiness and/or spite is another....and....since Trump doesn't read anything that's not on a teleprompter or the Fox News Chiron, one wonders who put this list together.....President Bannon or President Kelly...wait, President Kellyanne.......pick a prez, any prez.....

Trump's budget includes a plan for privatizing the space station...good news is that shuttle flights will will take five, at least, to haul the giant T R U M P letters up there for the install....

Today's Fun American Street Riddle.... do you get to the high road via Pennsylvania Ave?

...bwahahaha.... trick question......there's no high road anywhere near Pennsylvania Ave.

The plan is to get rid of food stamps and replace it with food “kits”…once again....a system designed by geniuses...being "improved" by idiots......the point, that there are abuses of the food stamp program, is valid....

instead of closing loopholes and increasing accountability via high tech methods currently available, though, the "solution" is to

1) deny those with a genuine need, as in punishing the innocent because it's easier (and less profitable) than shutting off the guilty.....

2) ask people to rely on a delivery system created and to be coordinated by an administration that is both globally known and admired for its efficiency..#sarcasm .what about misshipments? what about delayed shipments? what about lost shipments? what about spoiled food? what about a returns policy..(Ivanka, Jared and Tweedle Eric and Tweedle Junior have to do six months, minimum, on the customer service hotline) ...oh, yeah, this is marvelous....what could possibly go wrong? #sarcasm

3) guarantee that every person involved in the assembly and distribution of these "kits" will make a fortune.....starting with the corner grocer whose first new location is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave...#trumpsteaksineverykitbetthefarm

4) dick around and spend God knows how much for days, weeks or months trying to get a program doomed to fail from the get go up and running that has less of a chance of lifting off than a space shuttle filled with contestants from The Biggest Loser.

5) NEW RULE: any new program or adjustment to an existing program that affects people's material or physical needs must be "beta tested" for 90 days by, at least, ten members of each party in the Senate, the House of Reps and the corner grocer at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

yo, Herman....and your buddy, guys think the women's marches filled the streets with pissed off people? wait till you get a load of tens of thousands of hungry people.......

stop pandering to the "base".
fix the goddamn existing system.

And now…Parkland, Florida…

OBVIOUS SOLUTION #54....insist that your Congressperson and Senator vote to make the NRA a Federal Agency......Trump will cut off funding and dismantle the damn thing in 48 hours or less.....

…if it was 17 dead bodies lying on the floor of the United States Senate or the House of Representatives, the "Comprehensive Legislation to Insure Protection" (C.L.I.P) would be created, presented, voted on, passed and on Trump's desk for signature by EOB today......

PARTING THOUGHT…Those who immediately respond that guns are not the problem in this country are absolutely correct…

The problem in this country is the attitude about guns…

All you want as many as you want whenever you want for whatever you want…

That selfishness, not the gun, is what is killing our children…

Continue that selfishness.

Protect the children.

Pick one.

You can’t have both.

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