Sunday, July 15, 2018

"Capitol Hill or No Capitol Hill, We're Still Nothing More Than An Ant Hill..."

Some assorted thoughts about the "unpresidented" trip to Europe and Russia...

At a press conference just prior to his award/no friends winning appearance at the NATO summit......

"I could leave NATO...I think I probably can...but that is unnecessary..."
Not "we" can leave NATO
Not "our nation" can leave NATO
Not "America" can leave NATO

I can leave NATO.....
well, uh, er, at least, uh, I think I probably can.

Not just a monarch.
A moron.
This guy is the whole package.
Let's just go ahead and make him president for life.
Suck it up.
And admit the Founders gave it their very best shot, but, in the end......

(helpful hint: grab as many variations on the domain name "Trumpica" as you'll make a killing)


yeah, yeah, this macho, blunt tool, bullying bullshit that Donald flings around the global stage like one of Amy Farrah Fowler's monkeys is all very "maverick" and "rogue" and "tellin it like it is" or whatever mindless hyperbole the mouth drooler minions offer up....

but at some point, by simple laws of human physics, the bully gets taken down a peg or two or ten.....all things in their own time....
and the only reason it seems like it's taking so long is that his moronic monkeying is so stunningly moronic that it takes a little longer than usual to get past the being stunned part and get to the nitty gritty peg taking down part......

psst....the other leaders of the world (ALL of them except his BFF Vlad) are already past the stun and moving directly to the pegboard.......

cue the 60 Minutes opening.....tickticktickticktickticktickticktickticktick......

simply smashing.....
Eventually, now, actually, sooner rather than later, what Trump’s supporters think about him won’t matter a damn bit. 

all the other leaders in the free world know that he’s a liar and a loser and a lightweight and they will act accordingly… 

He will accomplish little or nothing globally… And the resulting damage will inevitably take it’s toll in this country…

By now, only fools and idiots don’t realize that he’s bringing a badminton racket to play a major league baseball game…

And he’s not even particularly good with the badminton racket…

face facts....Barack's to blame....

Those who subscribe to the theory that the poison, venom and vitriol that are saturating this nation began with the election of Donald Trump are, simply, wrong...
It began with the election of Barack Obama. 

And the covert, deeply rooted racism that the truly naive believed didnt exist in this country anymore suddenly began to bubble and bubble and by the year 2016 was the last perfect ingredient brought to a full boil in the recipe concocted by Donald Trump to feed on the fear, anger and ignorance of those now overt racists.

Add in the overt misogyny of those who would just as soon see Hillary Clinton dead as alive, let alone president, and you had the completion of that Perfect Storm/ recipe...

Over the last few weeks / months, I have repeatedly heard listeners and read posters offering how they "put up with that damn Obama for 8 years and now it's your turn".... The tone and texture of those comments impossible to not translate out to Obama = nigger...

And payback was inevitable.

Turns out, payback wasn't a bitch.

It was a Trump.

Those still wondering why we have yet to see signs of intelligent life from other planets need Wonder no more.

Compared to advanced, intelligent civilizations, Earthlings, and Americans in particular, are nothing more than ants on an ant hill in terms of their evolution.

it should come as no surprise advanced civilizations pay us no mind.

When's the last time you paid any attention to an ant hill? more thing....
H.L. Mencken, in the Baltimore Evening Sun, on July 26, 1920...

" democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."

H.L. Mencken.

For the win.

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