Tuesday, August 21, 2018

"We Showed You, Didn't We....End of the World? Whatever...We Showed You, Didn't We..?"

Every dog has his day.

And, before your knee jerks, if you're predisposed to knee jerking, no, that is not a subtle or not so subtle reference to Donald's compulsion to criticize women by calling them canines.

At some point, and I'm a firm believer that we are way, way....way past that point, it becomes irrefutable fact (and none of that generic label, two for one everyday low, low price, "alternative fact" bullshit) that the 45th President of the United States is obviously struggling on an almost hourly basis with the misogynistic equivalent of Tourette's.

And the racist equivalent of Tourette's....and the sociopathic equivalent of Tourette's....and the many, varied myriad of equivalents of Tourette's could fill a library that would make the Smithsonian look like a book geek's kiosk at a neighborhood street fair.

So, let's just borrow a phrase I heard uttered once by Michael Jackson's then manager, Frank DiLeo, in response to some questions about Michael's blatantly obviously eccentric behavior.

Chomping down theatrically on his twenty buck cigar, with an aura one part Col Tom Parker, one part Tony Soprano, Di Leo replied...

"....the kid's.......got issues."

Trump's impudent and infantile lashing out at Omarosa was nothing more, or less, than business as usual for the man child who has turned impudent and infantile lashing out into a cheap, slimy, shoddy replacement for what six out of ten people in this country used to recognize, and appreciate, as presidential oratory.

Of course,  only the remaining four out of said ten people see said lashing out as suitable replacement.

Doggone it.

And that brings us back around to every dog having his day.

And a bore-down to the bedrock bottom of a reason why...
  • a) this blunt tool of a failed real estate hustler was elected President of the United States in the first place.
  • b) why, apparently, four out of ten people supposedly still approve of this blunt tool of a failed real estate hustler's performance as President of the United States..
By the way, in the interest of full disclosure and my sincere intent to extend as much courtesy as my observations will allow, please be advised that if you're one of those four out of that ten people, you're not going to like what I have to share with you very much.

Actually, in the interest of being as honest as humanly possible, I'm aware, going in, that you're not going to like what I have to share with you one damn bit.

I'd try to rationalize or justify at this point, something along the lines of "the four of you seem to worship and admire the idea of somebody tellin' it like it is, so I'm just gonna be tellin' it like it is".

...but, if we step up, deal with one another face to face, and are "God is watching the conversation" honest with each other, we both know that while you say you like somebody tellin it like it is, what you really mean is you like somebody tellin you what you want to hear.

In fairness, too, that should be a "we" not just a "you".

We all want people to tell us what we want to hear.

Fifty pounds overweight and looking like we haven't seen the inside of a gym since elementary school, who amongst us wants to hear "wow, you've really gotten fat, haven't you?" as opposed to "hey, you've put on a few pounds, but, hey, who the hell hasn't, right?"

Even if we know, deep inside, that we've really gotten fat and haven't seen the inside of a gym since elementary school.

It's when the primal need we all share to be positively reinforced wanders over into the area of our politics that things get hinky.

And, worse, makes us all very vulnerable and potentially easy targets for whichever slick, smooth, sweet talker comes struttin' on into town.

Because politics is entirely about telling people what they want to hear.

And the masterful purveyors of the profession are without equal when it comes to doing just that.

Telling people what they want to hear.

The most masterful, of course, managing to tell people what they want to hear while disguising that as "tellin' it like it is."

Whatever his failings, and I'll testify any where you want me, anywhere you want me that those failings are many, Donald Trump is one of the most masterful when it comes to telling people what they want to hear.

And, that right there, without getting too deep into the details of it all, is the larger part of the answer to the first half of my (a, (b, question there a minute or so ago.

This blunt tool of a failed real estate hustler was elected President of the United States because he did a masterful job of telling enough people, in just the right parts of the country to swing the Electoral votes in his direction, exactly what they wanted to hear.

Never mind that he's a con man. And a sociopath. And a chauvinist pig. And a racist, if only by his pandering to white supremacists and extremist hate groups. And a pathological liar. And a narcissist of a caliber that makes historically vain and narcissistic former Presidents like, say, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon seem, in comparison now, like Ward Cleaver.

And never mind that most, in fact, almost all, of what he promised you he would do will turn out, in the end, to have been nothing more than smoke, hustle, con, deception, shuck and jive.



If you're one of the four out of ten, none of that matters to you, either, does it?

Of course, it doesn't.

Because you didn't really elect him President because you believed all, or a lot, or even very much at all of what he promised and what he had to say.

Did you?

Of course, you didn't.

And for those amongst the six out of ten who cannot, for the life of them, begin to get their heads around the "why" of all this, as in "why, on God's green Earth, would you watch a man present himself in public as a big, bright, blindingly bold example of the very worst character traits that one can witness in another human being , why would you not only elect this flawed and failed excuse of a human being President, but, why would you continue to support and endorse him, as we come close to being two years into seeing his pathetic and sub-human behavior on a daily basis?"

The six out of ten just don't get it, do they, four out of ten?

Of, course, they don't.

But, I do.

I know exactly why.

It was the very first thing I said when this piece began.

Every dog has his day.

Not the subtle or not so subtle reference to Donald's compulsion to criticize women by calling them canines. 

But, rather, the simple, sad, yeah, what the hell, let's just call it what it really is, pathetic truth of it.

The phrase that's been bouncing around since day one of his candidacy is "he tells it like it is."

And, as we've already clarified, what that translates out to is "he tells us what we want to hear."

But there's a deeper, more desperate and despicable meaning underneath that meaning.

"He's one of us. He gets us. He speaks my language."

And don't say I didn't warn you. Here comes the part you're not going to like one damn bit.

He's not really one of you, at all.

But he does speak your language.

And he totally gets you.

He knows that you're uninformed. And that you're uneducated. He knows that you're either too lazy or too ignorant or just too flat out, plain old, garden variety, fuck all stupid to realize that you're being conned and hustled and played like a cheap guitar you found there on the ol' EBay for ten bucks.

Free shipping.

He knows, as all highly successful hustlers know, that all he needs to do is say just enough to convince you that he, and he alone, know how it feels to be uninformed and uneducated and lazy and ignorant and fuck all stupid and to be treated rudely and/or crudely and/or, even worse, totally disregarded by people who are more informed than you are....more educated than you are....more enlightened than you are....  

...smarter than you are.

And it don't matter a hoot in hell that he's a con man. And a sociopath. And a chauvinist pig. And a racist, if only by his pandering to white supremacists and extremist hate groups. And a pathological liar. And a narcissist of historic proportion.

Hell, it don't even matter that you know he's all those things.

You don't care, do you?

Of course, you don't.

Because for too long, you've been treated rudely and crudely and totally disregarded by people who are more informed than you are, more educated than you are, more enlightened than you are......

...smarter than you are.

And you've had enough of that.

Not to mention that now, in the year 2018, you've also got to be talked down to and treated rudely and totally disregarded by brown people and yellow people and black people and people wearing dishrags on their heads and you can't begin to get the bile out of your gut from the eight years you just spent having to live in a country led by the most uppity nigger ever to come across your path and just when you were getting ready to dance on that uppity nigger's grave, along comes this woman, this uppity ball busting bitch who let it slip out, called you that word that all those other uppitys use when they get together behind your back and laugh at your ignorance and illiteracy and racism and misogyny and lack of education and lack of sophistication......you know.....you know that word the bitch let slip....


And along came your savior.

Who totally gets you.

Who speaks your language.

Who tells you what you want to hear.

And you couldn't wait to get your angry asses to the voting booth that November.

Because Hillary may or may not be a bitch.

But payback most assuredly is.

And, so, you showed them, didn't you, four out of ten?

You elected a con man. And a sociopath. And a chauvinist pig. And a racist, if only by his pandering to white supremacists and extremist hate groups. And a pathological liar. And a narcissist of historic proportion.

And you damn well know it.

And you don't care, do you?

Of course, you don't.

And those six out of ten? They just wander and bounce and bobble around all day because they still cannot figure out why.

Why you elected him. And why, to this moment, you support and endorse...and cheer him.

But you know why, don't you?

Damn right you do.

And so do I.

Every dog has his day.

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