Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sorry, Folks, Park's Closed....Bald Eagle Out Front Shoulda Told Ya...

Today, a little story time to pass the time.

When you take a break from Donald's fearmongering shit pot stirring about the "hoard" on the way to "invade" (read: rape, pillage, even kill and, some, I assume are good people), and come "pouring into the country through the WIDE OPEN border", relax and enjoy a little "what if" for the fun of it......

...if Twitter had existed in 1920 or 1900 or 1860 or 1850 or whenever the ****, your great, great, great whatever arrived on the shores of this country, you would either not be alive to read this in the comfort of your "land of the free, home of the brave" home or you would be living in England or France or Germany or Yugoslavia or Russia or China or Japan or Iraq or Iran or any of the hundreds of other countries on the planet where freedom rings. 

Or where freedom doesn't exist at all.         

Except in the dreams of those who live without freedom and would do anything, bear any burden, pay any price, make any sacrifice for the chance to experience life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Because, had Twitter existed then, you can bet the odds are good that, at least, one Native American, perhaps one who fancied himself a great chief when, in fact, he was nothing more than a poor excuse for a man, let alone leader, frightened and panicked with fear that his shallowness and weakness and cowardice would be found out, would be tweeting away desperately, even hysterically, to the masses of other members of his timid tribe, hanging on his every word, easily frightened, so easily deceived,  about the approaching "hoard" of "invaders" headed toward the "wide open" shoreline.....and how those invaders were coming to rape and pillage, even kill and some, he might assume, were good people.....

...and so,  those easily frightened, easily deceived, filled with fear and panic, hysterical, unreasonable, their heads filled with a thousand Tweets about raping and pillaging and killing and...even leprosy.....gave the weak, pathetic wanna-be chief power and authority to send tens of thousands of braves, in full warpaint, spears and knives and arrows at the ready, to form a great human wall to run the length of the literally block the oncoming turn them away, even kill them if necessary.

And when the invaders finally reached the shoreline, some were turned away, some were captured, families separated, children placed in wooden pens usually used to trap beaver in the streams...some might even be killed.....lying on the beach....or floating in the ocean, just a few excruciatingly close yards away from life....liberty....and the pursuit of happiness. 

Maybe your great, great, great whatever was captured.

Maybe they died.

Or maybe they were turned away...sent back to where they belonged.

England or France or Germany or Yugoslavia or Russia or China or Japan or Iraq or Iran or any of the hundreds of other countries on the planet where freedom rings. 

Or where freedom doesn't exist at all.

But, Twitter didn't exist then, did it.

Lucky for you.


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