Thursday, November 8, 2018

You Extend The Pinky....We'll Cover You On The Other Finger...

Special announcement today.

Presenting, for the first time anywhere, a brand new addition to the list of four letter words in the English language vocabulary.


First, yes, I'm aware that the word black has five letters and not four.

Second, no, the usage of the word in today's sharing has absolutely nothing to do with race.

Clarification of said usage coming up momentarily.

Fun pop quiz.

What do a combative, soon-to-be ex or actual ex spouse and perusing social media have in common?

Wander around anywhere near either one of them and you're guaranteed to, very quickly, if not immediately, find something about them that will piss you off.

My dealing with exes days are long past.

Facebook, on the other hand, didn't let me down. Took only four or five minutes this morning.

This is the post that chapped the cheeks.

"'s important to notice things that did NOT happen today regarding the Republicans losing The House....there are no conservative mob protests, riots, crying and screaming in the streets, no profanity laced rants, no kicking people out of restaurants, no tearing down of historical statues, etc Just civility. Interesting......."

Knowing better, I still couldn't resist taking a peek at the amens sprinkled liberally on that little pile of profundity.

"...I shared, also. I know, right? We know we're the people of true diversity, civility and common sense...."

And, here's our winner....

..."That's the difference between being mature and being a snowflake...."

First, rest assured I'm not going to waste my time or yours going into a long rant about how being snide, snarky, snotty and holier than thou is an obvious and immediate disqualification of anyone who lays claim to any form of "civility."

The oldie but goodie "talking out of both sides of your mouth" comes to mind. With, truth be told, a seriously significant primal urge to throw in a little "blow it out your ass" for good measure.

But, that would lack civility. So, I'll resist the urge.

Second, I'll just mention, ever so briefly, since we don't know what the reaction would have been amongst you more civilized, gracious and above reproach had the entire Congress been taken away from you, as opposed to only the House of Representatives, doing the "aren't we just the living, breathing definition of gracious losers?" shtick just doesn't play very well.

Or become you, at all.

Those little provisos notwithstanding, by way of contrasting that which you offered and self congratulated about NOT happening, here's what we know DID happen.

Your hero and Earthly savior didn't waste a single, snarky second Tweeting the Tweets like his life depended on it, first, ridiculing members of his own, wait, sorry, your political party who lost their election bids and straight up, no doubt about it, blaming that loss on their failure to pay homage to the boy king.

Oh...and if you're all set to volley back at me with "well, they did lose because their constituents truly want someone representing them who pays homage to our boy king, so what's so wrong about him saying so?"

Well, first, it's unnecessary. Second, it's rude. You do remember rude, right? I know it's been two years since your boy officially made "rude" something only we could be, not you, so you may be way out of practice.

Second, blow it out your ass.

See? That's rude. Thanks to you and your hero, I've been getting lots of practice.

Talking about Mia Love, the Utah Republican who lost her House seat, your supreme leader said "Mia Love gave me no love, but then she lost. Too bad."

Yeah, keepin' it classy, you guys are.

By the way, I'm also not going to waste my time or yours by bragging of my clear grasp of the obvious, a grasp that seems, for some bizarre, almost mystical reason, to elude all of you.

Donald's dissing and denigrating those in your own party who were passed over by the electorate, any first year psych student could condescendingly lecture you, is textbook "they didn't show loyalty to me, so they were dismissed" and that, gracious losers, is clear as glass transparently another way of saying "what's demanded is loyalty to me personally, not loyalty to a party or a political philosophy or even a common ground that we all can find a way to stand on."

Are you all so ignorant as to not recognize that "loyalty to a ruler and not the rules" is symptom numero uno when diagnosing a dictatorship?

No matter, though, right? You all are all about the civility. Dare, I say, dignity.

Finally, none of us, n-o-n-e of us have any reason to expect anything other than his resumption of the crude, rude, obnoxious, petty, vindictive, infantile name calling, bullying bullshit that has become to the presidency of Donald Trump what disrespect, even abuse for, and of, women has become to the careers of Weinstein, Cosby and, oh, yeah, Donald Trump.

Thanks and praise the living God that all of you, and your supreme leader, there, are showing the rest of us what civility is all about.

God help and save us if you all suddenly ever decide to flip off the civility switch.

And I won't waste your time or my mine by laundry listing the rest of the, by now, surreal list of unacceptable, unpardonable, unnecessary, inexcusable, tacky, tasteless, rude, crude and, at levels you haven't begun to understand, potentially dangerous to the nation and the world crap that Donald is going to pull for the remainder of his time in the wheelhouse.

At the same time, giving him credit where due, congratulating him on being the first, and, God willing, only, President of the United States to ever successfully take the very low road to cart his followers to what he has them believing is the moral high ground.

And, now, as you take pride, and credit, for the remarkable grace with which you have accepted the losses in the mid-term election of 2018 and done an even more dignified, almost angelic, job of putting in our place we who are clinically predisposed to "....mob protests, riots, crying and screaming in the streets, profanity laced rants, kicking people out of restaurants, tearing down of historical statues...", we find the addition of a new four letter word in the English vocabulary.

Give or take a letter.


As in there's an unprecedented amount of the pots calling the kettles..

At this writing, that little fracas that had Donald calling Jim Acosta a "rude and terrible person".

Pee Wee Herman just flew right smack dab into the middle of my consciousness.

"I know you are, but what am I"

Thank you again, Trump loyalists, for showing us the error of our etiquette and the deficiencies in our dignity.

I was going to throw in one last "blow it out your ass."

But I decided to take a pass.

I'm committed to my sobriety.

And working on my civility.

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