Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Difference Is As Clear As The Day Is Long

Veterans Day.

Lot of people just don't get it.

Even a lot of people who are passionate about observing it, honoring it and clearly, even loudly, declaring their respect for it.

And by "get it", I mean understand exactly what it really is and exactly what it really means.

That's not a criticism, per se', by the way, it's just an honest observation of one of the glitches in our human software.

We often confuse things. With other things.

Here's some examples.



Jam is made from fruit, so is, as a rule, somewhat chunky.  
You know...from the fruit.

Jelly, on the other hand, is made from fruit juice....and is, therefore, smoother, with a tendency to be jiggly.

Yeah, yeah, must be jelly cause......we all know the punchline, but we're trying to clean up our act in the era of #metoo, okay?



Gators have a stubbier, u-shaped snout

Crocs, meanwhile, have a long, pointier, v-shaped snout.

And, of course, gators will see you later.

While crocs will see you after while.

Here's one for the geography connoisseurs in the crowd.

Great Britain.

United Kingdom.

Great Britain is, actually, just part of the United Kingdom, which includes the countries of England and Scotland and Wales.

It's like how we say "New England", when what we mean is Maine and Vermont and all those states where the syrup comes from.

And, not to wear out the welcome, but because it's just fun to expand our medulla database....



Crows are little, have longer, thinner beaks and are believed to be as smart as 7 year old children.

Maybe even Tomi Lahren, too.

Ravens, in fact, are much bigger than crows, with much thicker bills and longer tails or, depending on your particular interests and hobbies, a group of men that residents of Baltimore would like to see in the Super Bowl, even though they're already finding knocking the Steelers out of first place to be in danger of becoming insurmountable.

Oh, and "the" raven? Well, that dude is down with poetry of a dark shade.

Nevermore...and all that.

And, then, there's Veterans Day.

And Memorial Day.

While it's obvious that both days have something to do with those who serve the nation, it seems like it would be relatively easy to know and deal with the difference between the two.

Then, again, we are talking about a country filled with folks who cannot, without a lot of stop/start/stop/start indecisive confusion negotiate their way through a four way stop.

Or a traffic circle.

Or roundabout.

Which is, actually, just another name for traffic circle.

But, then, it gets even more confusing when you factor in fans of 70's English rock, the group, Yes, in particular.

Meanwhile, back at Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

And the difference between the two.

By the way, to any city planners, Department of Transportation officials, traffic engineers or those who name the names that go on our byways and boulevards, you're totally not helping at all when you, good intentions aside, go designating new thoroughfares as Veterans Memorial Blvd.

In an already too confusing world, that's like suggesting we enjoy our Thanksgiving Christmas Dinner in eager anticipation of next year's Valentine's Easter Dance.

Here's the deal on the days in discussion.

Veterans Day is the official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans, that is, persons who serve and/or have served in America's Armed Forces.

Memorial Day is the official United States public holiday, observed on the last Monday in May. that honors those who died while serving in America's Armed Forces.

Couple of quick notes.

First, no word, yet, on how America's fun, forthcoming Space Force will factor in to the observing and honoring, whether they will be included in the Veterans Day/Memorial Day dealio or get their own individual holiday.

Space Day. Sounds a little contrived, even a little like a day that's about those who are, well, spaced.

And we already have Black Friday for that.

Second, that thing about holidays being "observed"? As in Veterans Day is "observed annually on November 11"?

Uh, yeah, the correct grammar, we respectfully suggest, would be, for example, "Veterans Day falls on November 11, but "observing" is reserved for whatever day the government, courts, post offices and any other part or parcel of the bloated beyond recognition bureaucracy decides they want to shut shit down and take the day off.

There's a whole nother' conversation to be had about the idea that every day should be Veterans Day and Memorial Day, but that gets into deeper discussions about concepts that ponder the more existential.

And then, you can bet your paid holiday, that some Senator or Congressperson, looking to make some noise, will submit a bill calling for an "Existential Day" in which we observe and honor that in our life which is beyond comprehension, inexplicable, even an impossible to believe phenomenon.

Lately, though, we already have Election Day for that.

Which brings us back to Veterans Day.

And Memorial Day.

And the difference between the two.

One honors the living who serve America in the military.

One honors those who have died while serving America in the military.

It's not really all that complicated.

But we have a way of confusing things that are seemingly not all that complicated.

Like jam...and jelly.

Gators...and crocs.

Oh. Almost forgot. Left a couple out.


Many believe that courage is doing something frightening and not being afraid.

When, in fact, courage is doing something frightening despite being afraid.

 And cowardice.

Many believe that cowardice is, simply, a lack of bravery.

Like being brave enough to run into the fire and not away from it.

Brave enough to face the gunfire and put a stop to it.

Brave enough to stand in the rain to honor the dead on a day set aside to honor those who died in service to the military.

That one, though, that has nothing to do with bravery.

Or even cowardice.

That one is all about "ish"

And "less"

And "ment"




And it makes no difference whether it's Veterans Day, Memorial Day...or just another day.

Those things are what they are....

..every day.

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