The problem with the whole issue of Donald Trump isn't the exhaustion felt by almost everyone when it comes to the issue of Donald Trump.
The problem is that the problem has been misidentified pretty much from moment one.
Moment one being defined as the moment that he 'descended from the tawdry, cheap gold plated escalator symbolizing (in his own egomaniacal mind) Mount Olympus' and announced that he was going to make America great again.
And there can be no solution to any problem of any mind until, and unless, the problem is accurately and correctly identified.
Allow me.
Because I'm one of those willing to go right to the head of the line/class when it comes to being exhausted by the issue of Donald Trump.
But I've only recently finally, and accurately identified the problem.
It came to me today, after just one final, too many comment thread 'trump'etings of a mindset voiced continuously, seemingly endlessly, by those who feel it necessary to both publicly pledge their undying loyalty to the orange and /or feel it necessary to try to get it to through millions of thick headed "libtards" why that loyalty is so total, unconditional and undying.
"President Trump identifies with the American people"
Put simply for those who need in simply put....
Donald gets us.
And, of course, 'identification' of this nature is an automatic reciprocal.
Ergo...if Trump identifies with the American people....
...then the American people identify with Trump.
And there....right the bedrock problem that has eluded me for damn near ten years now.
And with that reciprocation in mind, it cannot be refuted or argued against that, accordingly, the American people (as least 'the American people' referred to by the thread commenter)...
- think we should buy Greenland
- believe we should nuke hurricanes to put an end to them
- would change the course of a hurricane with a map and a Sharpie
- would order peaceful protestors tear gassed so they could pose outside a church with a Bible
- have a rock solid, passionate, daresay romantic, opinion of, and relationship with, Vladimir Putin
- want to withdraw the U.S. from NATO regardless of the stupidity of such a global chess move
- believe raking leaves would prevent forest fires because "the floors of the forest...very important"
- recommend injecting bleach to kill COVID
- recommend ultraviolet light to kill COVID
- believe climate change is a Chinese hoax
- built a tiny bit of wall that doesn't work and for which Mexico has not pitched in a single peso.
- throw ketchup against the wall when they don't get their way
- see no problem with lynching the Vice President of the United States.
- stare directly at the sun during an eclipse
- lied bigly about how many people showed up for their inauguration
- think Americans who serve in the military and die in the line of duty are "suckers and losers"
- got out of military service by claiming "bone spurs"
- pass "ewwwooge" tax cuts for the rich and multiplied the national debt
- purposely torpedoed a bipartisan immigration plan because it might help Democrats win votes
- have been accused of sexual misconduct, assault and/or rape by over TWO DOZEN WOMEN
- believe white supremacists to be "very fine people"
- believe that president should be completely immune from any kind of criminal prosecution
- dismiss ANY news that doesn't please or agree with them as FAKE
- have been described by various Cabinet officers as "fucking morons"
- start trade wars that cannot be won, costing millions of Americans...millions
- believe the FBI, CIA, the court system and education, in general, should be eliminated
- lie about almost everything almost every time they open their mouths
- incited a riot that resulted in fatalities and very nearly brought the Capitol of the United States down to a pile of smoldering rubble
and....have announced that if re-elected, the second term will be "all about revenge"
Not even to mention the hundreds of other things that would fill line after line after page after page after volume after volume....
Occam's Razor offers that when we are faced with a myriad of solutions/answers to any given problem, it is, almost surely, the simplest solution/answer that is correct.
Turns out that the identification of a given problem can be determined, so to speak, in much the same way.
The problem with the whole issue of Donald turns out....
Is that the problem....isn't Donald Trump at all.
The problem...
Is the "American people".
At least the American people who "publicly pledge their undying loyalty to the orange and /or feel it necessary to try to get it through to millions of thick headed "libtards" why that loyalty is so total, unconditional and undying."
"President Trump identifies with the American people"
The problem, it turns out, is not the first two words of that sentence.
The the last three.
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