Among his many "skills", one is downright masterful.
Not...holding the bag.
Back to that momentarily.
Here's something that isn't getting said nearly often enough.
If it's being said at all.
Those who support, in any way, shape or form, him or his "candidacy"....
...need to be held accountable, without exception, should he actually become President again.
Because while they have found a way to lie to themselves that his "candidacy" is about policies and issues and a "vision for a direction" for the nation, as a whole, the irrefutable, absolutely easy to prove in court fact is that he is the living embodiment of a danger certainly harmful, potentially fatal, to thousands, if not millions , of people and, very possibly, the a whole.
It is March, at this writing.
The election, itself, is still eight months away.
Already, he is inciting his "followers" to do damage and harm.
For those whose circulation to the brain is cut off by the loyal wearing of the red cap...
...the word you want to focus in on here.... "bloodbath".
As follows....
"...We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across
the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get
elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for
the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a
bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not
going to sell those cars... "
His remarks are not campaign rhetoric.
They are not blunt talk or plain speak or "tellin' it like it is'.
He is not a "straight shooter".
And anyone with the tiniest functioning medulla knows that his later "explanation", that he was talking about the "bloodbath of poor auto sales", is Def Con Five when it comes to Trump level bullshit.
Like "go up the street and take our country back" was not "stroll up to the Capitol for a tourist visit and mention how you would like to see me continue as your President".
He is a criminally liable, lynch mob leader, continuing to rape the First Amendment by hiding his rousing of the rabble behind the skirts of "free speech."
A narcissistic sociopath who would, literally, throw his own children under a bus to save himself and/or satisfy his personal wants, desires, needs and addictions and who is capable of lighting the fire that would burn America to the ground if those needs are not met.
He is as guilty of potential harm, damage and death as is anyone who yells "fire" in that crowded theatre.
That said...
Chances are those who have been fully indoctrinated into the cult/lynch mob, are possessed of two ears that no longer hear a single word that does not shower him with praise and adoration.
Discussion and debate, for the purpose of changing any of their minds, is a waste of time.
They are what they are. And it is what it is.
So, here's what else needs to be.
If the "bloodbath" occurs, those who did not do all they could to prevent it from happening, be that something as simple as voting against him, need to be labled, branded and charged as accessories to the crime(s) and held liable for any harm and damages that occur.
Up to and including "negligent homicide".
Those with a finger on the "freedom" trigger, ready to fire off rabid defense of him and their own actions.
Don't bother.
You buy him.
You own him.
And all he stands for....and all he does.
Here's the only rule/law that matters...or should.
No one gets to have it both ways.
No one.
This past week two parents were sentenced to ten to fifteen years in prison for allowing their emotionally damaged son to kill innocent people.
What they experienced was an old traditional trifecta that has been out of fashion for far, far too long.
Accountability. Responsibility. Liability.
Come the "bloodbath"....
Same goes for you, MAGA.
You buy him.
You own him.
And you pay.
Whatever common sense, common decency...and blind justice decide is the cost.
Oh...and by the way.
For those whose knee jerk response to all of this is some form of....
"oh, that's just him talkin'....he wouldn't actually do any of those things...."
First...wake the fuck up. doesn't matter if he himself would or wouldn't....will or won't...
He doesn't have to.
Historically, once the mob does their hanging, the fever starts to break, as they are panting, sweating, still trembling from the frenzy, watching the bodies swaying from the trees...lit by the fires burning the town to the ground.....
....the lynch mob 'leader'
....nowhere to be found.
Them poor dumb townsfolk...looking around...standing there....
...with a big ol' bag in their hands.
Among his many skills... is downright masterful.
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