Monday, February 18, 2019

The Road To Hell...Take A Right Off Wall Street...

More than once, I've had a day when my best source for putting things into a spot on perspective was artist/savant/songwriter Randy Newman.

Today is one of the days.

Trump's predictable weekly whine about how mean Saturday Night Live was to him this past Saturday generated the predictable online amount of same old same old "he's a pig/ he's a prophet/no, he's a meglomaniacal man/child / no, he's a dessert topping" back and forth.

One comment caught this commentator's eye for commentary.

"...I'm an outsider here guys. A Greek forgive me for any ignorance. I thought Hilary Clinton was self centered. She lost a totally un-losable election. I actually think she may have been worse. (not that the competition is great by the way). What i see is that American businesses (i work for one) and manufacturing are doing well and that unemployment in the US is at a record low. Leaving out all the "stupidities" of this leader, am i right in saying the US economy is in a good state? I am not at liberty to comment about the US healthcare, public safety, infrastructure and education system..." 

I appreciated the outsider looking in perspective and sincere curiosity. 

At the same time, a little disheartened that this point of view seems to be more common than not.

Because I've been of the mindset for a long time that this very common point of view misses the point.

Big time.

Here's what I offered to our Australian friend by way of an answer to his query.

And, at the same time, submitted to you, not so much for your your apprisal.

if I may....I'm not known as a "religious" advocate though I profess to be spiritual...

..that said:

"...For what profits a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul.."

...can easily, and correctly, be applied in a societal context....

"what profits a nation if it gains financial prosperity...but loses its own soul (humanity) to value atrophy, moral decay and the cancers of greed, narcissism and sociopathy...?"

and...waiting patiently in the wings...prejudice, bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny....7

a nation whose well being is primarily (even solely) measured by its financial condition, is already dangerously at risk of collapse....

noted American songwriter Randy Newman penned a brilliantly sardonic piece some years ago entitled "It's Money That Matters".... does....

...and there's the problem.

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